

桑德斯宣布支持拜登: 称川普是史上最危险的总统(双语文稿)

kira86 于2020-04-15发布 l 已有人浏览
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As you've indicated, we are living in an unbelievably unprecedented moment. You and I were chatting a few months ago, not in a million years would we have believed that we would be talking to each other in our respective homes, that we could not do rallies, that we could not get out of the house. We would not have believed that we'd be looking not only at a pandemic, which as you indicated has taken over 20,000 lives in our country. Half a million people infected but has cost us 16 million jobs and that's probably a conservative number. The real number is probably higher than that. So, we are in a terrible moment, an unprecedented moment. And I know we share the understanding that we've got to go forward right now and out of this in an unprecedented way to address the terrible pain that so many of our fellow Americans are feeling.


So today I am asking all Americans, I'm asking every Democrat, I'm asking every independent, I'm asking a lot of Republicans to come together in this campaign to support your candidacy, which I endorse to make certain that we defeat somebody who I believe, and I'm just speaking just for myself now, is the most dangerous president in the modern history of this country. A president, and you made this point who downplayed this pandemic, who ignored the advice that some of his people were giving him, who has not used the Defense Production Act early on so that we could produce the masks, the gowns, the gloves, the ventilators that our medical personnel desperately need. Who today, because I understand that he is threatening to fire Dr. Fauci, who has been an unbelievable, I mean it is...Who has been day after day, the voice of science to the American people trying to explain how we go forward in this crisis and he's threatening to fire him.


So to me, for all of those reasons and so many more, a president who doesn't apparently has never read the constitution of the United States who believes he's above the law. A president who lies all of the time, a president who has at least shown me that he is a racist and a sexist and a homophobe and a xenophobe and a religious bigot. I mean, for all of those reasons or more, we've got to make Trump a one term president and we need you in the white house. So I will do all that I can to see that happens, Joe. And I know that there is an enormous responsibility on your shoulders right now and it's imperative that all of us work together to do what has to be done not only in this moment but beyond this moment in the future of this country.


And in that regard I have been very pleased that your staff and my staff have been working together over the last several weeks to coming up with a number of task forces. These are task forces that will look at some of the most important issues facing this country, the economy, how we create an economy that works for all, not just a few. Education, how we create the best educational system in the world for all of our people. How we deal with climate change, which as you indicated is an existential threat to the planet. How we deal with criminal justice because we don't want to continue having more people in jail than any other country on earth. How we deal with immigration reform and how we have a healthcare system that is so much better than what we have right now. Now, it's no great secret out there, Joe, that you and I have our differences and we're not going to paper them over. That's real. But I hope that these task forces will come together utilizing the best minds and people in your campaign and in my campaign to work out real solutions to these very, very important problems. So look forward to working with you and bringing some great people into those taskforces.



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