

40年前的七月 第一个试管婴儿诞生

kira86 于2018-07-16发布 l 已有人浏览
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First Test-Tube Baby Born 40 Years Ago This Month


The birth of the first test tube baby 40 years ago this month was greeted with joy, amazement and mistrust.


In-vitro fertilization or IVF changed the world we live in. There are literally millions of babies who've been born as a result of this pioneering treatment and patients have the families that they ultimately longed for. But the birth of baby Louise in 1978 was also viewed with suspicion and fear. Some groups thought IVF would cheapen the value of human life. At London Science Museum, an exhibition called "IVF Six Million Babies Later" includes personal effects loaned by the Browns. We have the baby tags and bracelets put on Louise at birth and Leslie her mother in the hospital which I just think it's an incredibly emotional and lovely.


It is estimated that three hundred and fifty thousand IVF babies are born each year worldwide but there are also disappointments.About 70 percent of in vitro fertilizations fail. As would be mother Emma Lake found out. My friends are at age where they are having children, so I feel like I'm losing that connection with my peer group and I think it's more about that feeling of being left behind.


However, IVF research may lead to breakthroughs that could help patients like her in the future. I think the step change that everybody is looking for is that the science could get us to a stage where artificial or stem cell-based kind of sperm and egg can be created. Scientists say the same technology that was used to bring baby Louise into this world will have delivered an estimated 400 million new babies by the end of this century.


Deborah Block VOA news


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