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The Cat Who Went to Heaven [上了天堂的猫](1931年纽伯瑞儿童文学奖金奖得主)

所属栏目: Children

点    击: 1320

作    者:Elizabeth Coatsworth 

小说大小:671 KB





The Cat Who Went to Heaven is a 1930 novel by Elizabeth Coatsworth that won the Newbery Medal for excellence in American children's literature in 1931. The story is set in ancient Japan, and is about a poor painter and a cat he adopts.
The storyline is supposedly based on an old Buddhist folk tale, and includes many Buddhist concepts. The story includes, as asides, a short telling of the Buddha's life, and brief accounts of some of the Buddha's previous lifetimes as animals, In the story, the artist's housekeeper has eight songs in the form of poems; each one appears at the end of a chapter.


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