

英国语文BOOK 2 LESSON 26 Persevere (中英对照+mp3)

lanyuzhe 于2015-06-19发布 l 已有人浏览
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《英国语文》第二册26课 persevere,该教程是了解英国人文历史、欣赏英国文学的优秀读本,含有中英双语课文对照阅读及mp3免费下载。

LESSON 26 Persevere

Drive the nail aright, boys,

Hit it on the head;

Strike with all your might, boys,

While the iron's red.

When you've work to do, boys,

Do it with a will;

They who reach the top, boys,

First must climb the hill.

Standing at the foot, boys,

Gazing at the sky,

How can you get up, boys,

If you never try?

Though you stumble oft, boys,

Never be down-cast;

Try, and try again, boys,—

You'll succeed at last.


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