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佚名 于2007-11-21发布 l 已有人浏览
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Can I book the tickets online? /我能在网上订票吗?DialougeA: Do you know when you want to fly to Shanghai?A: 你

can i book the tickets online? /我能在网上订票吗?


a: do you know when you want to fly to shanghai?

a: 你知道你什么时候想飞往上海吗?

b: not yet, but i'll decide when i've checked everything on the website.

b: 还不知道,但是当我在网上查完的时候我就将做出决定。

a: well, when you have decided, then you can book your tickets.

a: 哦,当你做出决定以后你就可以订票了。

b: can i book the tickets online? is that possible?

b: 我能在网上订票吗?可能吗?

a: yes, i think so. it depends on the airline. and you'll need a credit card.

a: 是的,我想可以。这取决于航空公司。你还需要一张信用卡。

b: ok, i'll try. hopefully, i can do everything online.

b: 好的,我试一试。但愿一切我都能在网上完成。

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