


zongxujian 于2008-05-05发布 l 已有人浏览
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'); 1. n channel

1. n channel fet ==> n沟道场效应晶体管
2. n channel junction fet ==> n沟道结型场效应晶体管
3. n channel mos ==> n沟道金属氧化物半导体
4. n dopant source ==> n型杂质源
5. n doped drain ==> n型掺杂的漏极
6. n doped semiconductor ==> n型半导体
7. n doped source ==> n型掺杂的源极
8. n epi ==> n型外延层
9. n etch rate ==> n型半导体腐蚀速度
10. n n junction ==> nn结
11. n order system ==> n次系统
12. n p junction ==> np结
13. n p n transistor ==> npn晶体管
14. n type conduction ==> n型导电
15. n type conductivity ==> n型电导率
16. n type diffusion ==> 施钟质扩散
17. n type dopant ==> 施钟质
18. n type dopant atom ==> n型掺杂剂原子
19. n type doping ==> n型掺杂
20. n type semiconductor ==> n型半导体
21. n type substrate ==> n型衬底
22. n well ==> n阱
23. n well cmos process ==> n阱互补金属氧化物半导体工艺
24. n buried collector ==> n 隐埋集电极
25. n diffusion ==> n 扩散区
26. n guard ring ==> n 保护环
27. n poly gate ==> n 型多晶硅栅
28. naa ==> 中子激活分析
29. nail ==> 钉
30. nail head bond ==> 钉头式键合
31. nail head bonding ==> 钉头式键合法
32. nail puller ==> 拔钉钳
33. name plate ==> 铭牌
34. nameplate rating ==> 铭牌上额定值
35. nand circuit ==> 与非电路
36. nand gate ==> 与非门
37. nand operation ==> 与非运算
38. nano ==> 纳,毫微(10e-9)
39. nano electronics ==> 毫微电子学
40. nanoammeter ==> 毫微安表
41. nanoampere ==> 毫微安
42. nanocircuit ==> 纳米电路,毫微电路,超小型电路
43. nanofarad ==> 毫微法
44. nanohenry ==> 毫微亨
45. nanolithography ==> 毫微光刻
46. nanometer ==> 纳米,毫微米
47. nanoprocessor ==> 毫微秒处理机
48. nanopulser ==> 毫微秒脉冲发生器
49. napier ==> 奈培
50. narrow angle lighting fitting ==> 深照型照明
51. narrow angle television camera ==> 窄角电视摄象机
52. narrow band ==> 窄带
53. narrow band amplifier ==> 狭频带放大器
54. narrow band cavity ==> 窄带空腔
55. narrow band frequency modulation ==> 窄带频率调制
56. narrow band laser ==> 窄带激光器
57. narrow band laser shielding spectacles ==> 窄带激光防护眼镜
58. narrow bandgap semiconductor ==> 窄禁带半导体
59. narrow beam ==> 窄射束
60. narrow gap region ==> 窄禁带区
61. narrow linewidth laser ==> 窄线宽激光器
62. narrow pulse laser ==> 窄脉冲激光器
63. NAS ==> 钠硫蓄电池
64. national economics ==> 国民经济
65. National Electrical Code ==> 国家电气规范
66. National Fire Protection Association ==> 全国消防协会(美国)
67. national grid ==> 国家电网
68. national standard ==> 国家标准
69. native defect ==> 固有缺陷
70. native silicon dioxide ==> 天然二氧化硅
71. natrium ==> 钠
72. natual spectral linewidth ==> 固有谱线宽度
73. natural ==> 自然的
74. natural attenuation ==> 固有衰减
75. natural capacitance ==> 固有电容
76. natural cooling ==> 自然冷却
77. natural damping ==> 自然阻尼
78. natural dielectric ==> 天然电介体
79. natural draft ==> 自然通风
80. natural draught ==> 自然通风
81. natural frequency ==> 固有频率
82. natural gas ==> 天然气
83. natural illumination ==> 日光照明
84. natural impedance ==> 固有阻抗
85. natural leak ==> 自然泄漏
86. natural load of line ==> 线路的固有负载
87. natural magnet ==> 天然磁铁
88. natural mica ==> 天然云母
89. natural oscillation ==> 固有振荡
90. natural oscillations ==> 固有振荡
91. natural period ==> 固有周期
92. natural radioactivity ==> 自然放射能
93. natural stability limit ==> 自然稳定极限
94. natural steam power station ==> 地热发电站
95. natural transient stability limit ==> 自然暂态稳定极限
96. natural uranium reactor ==> 天然铀堆
97. natural wavelength ==> 固有波长
98. naught ==> 零
99. navigation ==> 导航
100. navigation aids ==> 助航设备
101. navigation light ==> 导航灯光
102. navigational computer ==> 导航计算机
103. navigational satellite ==> 航海卫星
104. navigational satellite tracking network ==> 导航卫星跟踪网
105. nd glass laser ==> 钕玻璃激光器
106. nds ==> 中子掺入硅
107. ndt ==> 非破坏性试验
108. nea photocathode ==> 负电子亲合力光电阴极
109. near contact printer ==> 接近式曝光机
110. near contact printing ==> 接近式曝光
111. near earth orbit ==> 近地轨道
112. near echo ==> 近回波
113. near end crosstalk ==> 近端串话
114. near infrared ==> 近红外区
115. near infrared region ==> 近红外区
116. near ir laser ==> 近红外线激光器
117. near monochromatic radiation ==> 近单色辐射
118. near periodic ==> 近周期性
119. near space ==> 近空
120. near ultraviolet ==> 近紫外线区
121. near ultraviolet range ==> 近紫外线区
122. near uv exposure ==> 近紫外线曝光
123. near uv resist ==> 近紫外线抗蚀剂
124. necessary operation ==> 必要动作
125. neck ==> 管颈
126. needle ==> 指针
127. needle deviation ==> 指针偏转
128. needle galvanometer ==> 指针检流计
129. needle gap ==> 针尖花隙
130. needle indicator ==> 指针指示器
131. needle shaped crystallite ==> 针状晶体
132. needle spark gap ==> 针尖花隙
133. needle telegraph ==> 针式电报机
134. needle valve ==> 针阀
135. negation ==> 非
136. negation gate ==> 非门
137. negative ==> 底片,阴性的
138. negative affinity electron emitter ==> 负电子亲合力电子发射极
139. negative affinity photocathode ==> 负电子亲合力光电阴极
140. negative amplitude modulation ==> 负极性调幅
141. negative and gate ==> 与非门
142. negative artwork ==> 负原图
143. negative bias ==> 负偏,负偏压
144. negative booster ==> 减压机
145. negative carrier ==> 负电荷载流
146. negative characteristic ==> 下降特性,负特性
147. negative charge ==> 负电荷
148. negative current ==> 负电流
149. negative current feedback ==> 电流负反馈
150. negative electricity ==> 阴电
151. negative electrode ==> 阴极
152. negative electron affinity ==> 负电子亲合力
153. negative emulsion ==> 负性胶
154. negative feedback ==> 负反馈,负回授
155. negative feedback amplifier ==> 负反馈放大器,负回授放大器
156. negative feeder ==> 负馈线
157. negative frequency modulation ==> 负极性频率调制
158. negative glow ==> 阴极辉光
159. negative glow lamp ==> 辉光放电灯
160. negative image ==> 负像
161. negative impulse ==> 负脉冲
162. negative ion ==> 阴离子
163. negative logic ==> 负逻辑
164. negative mask ==> 负像掩模
165. negative modulation ==> 负极性调制
166. negative pattern ==> 负像
167. negative phase relay ==> 负相序继电器
168. negative phase sequence component ==> 负序分量
169. negative phase sequence current ==> 负序电流
170. negative phase sequence impedance ==> 负序阻抗
171. negative phase sequence reactance ==> 负序电抗
172. negative phase sequence relay ==> 负序继电器
173. negative phase sequence resistance ==> 负序电阻
174. negative phase sequence voltage ==> 负序电压
175. negative photoresist ==> 负性胶
176. negative picture signal ==> 负极性图像信号
177. negative plate ==> 阴极板
178. negative pole ==> 负极
179. negative record ==> 负像记录
180. negative resistance ==> 负电阻
181. negative resistance characteristic ==> 负阻特性
182. negative resistance device ==> 负阻装置
183. negative resistance diode ==> 负阻二极管
184. negative resistance effect ==> 负电阻效应
185. negative resistance element ==> 负阻元件
186. negative resistance oscillator ==> 负阴振荡器
187. negative sequence ==> 负序
188. negative sequence braking ==> 负序制动
189. negative sequence component ==> 负序分量
190. negative sequence current ==> 负序电流
191. negative sequence field impedance ==> 负序磁场阻抗
192. negative sequence filter ==> 负序过滤器
193. negative sequence impedance ==> 负序阻抗
194. negative sequence loss ==> 负序损耗
195. negative sequence network ==> 负序网络
196. negative sequence power ==> 负序功率
197. negative sequence reactance ==> 负序电抗
198. negative sequence relay ==> 负序继电器
199. negative sequence resistance ==> 负序电阻
200. negative sequence symmetrical component ==> 负序对称分量
201. negative sequence voltage ==> 负序电压
202. negative temperature coefficient ==> 负温度系数
203. negative temperature coefficient of resistance ==> 电阻的负温度系数
204. negative temperature coefficient resister ==> 负温度系数电阻
205. negative terminal ==> 负端子
206. negative transmission ==> 负调制传送
207. negatron ==> 阴电子
208. negentropy ==> 负熵
209. nematic liquid crystal ==> 向列液晶
210. neodymium doped yttrium aluminium garnet laser ==> 掺钕钇铝石榴石激光器
211. neodymium glass laser ==> 钕玻璃激光器
212. neon ==> 氖
213. neon glim lamp ==> 氖光灯
214. neon glow lamp ==> 氖光灯
215. neon indicator ==> 氖管指示器,氖管指示灯
216. neon sign ==> 氖灯信号
217. neon tube ==> 氖管
218. neon tube lamp ==> 氖管
219. neper ==> 奈培
220. NERC interregional security network ==> 北美电力可靠性协会ISN内部网
221. NERC, North American Electric Reliability Council ==> 北美电力可靠性协会
222. nernst lamp ==> 能斯脱灯
223. net ==> 网
224. net efficiency ==> 净效率
225. net gain ==> 总增益,总增盒
226. net generation ==> 净发电量
227. net head ==> 净落差
228. net loss ==> 净损耗,净损重
229. net output ==> 净输出
230. net weight ==> 净重
232. network ==> 电力网,网络
233. network analysis ==> 网络分析
234. network analyzer ==> 网络分析器,网路分析器
235. network interconnection ==> 联网
236. network losses ==> 电力网损耗
237. network node ==> 网络节点
238. network optimization ==> 网络最佳化
239. network protection ==> 电力网保护
240. network recongiguration ==> 网络重构
241. network synthesis ==> 网络合成
242. network theory ==> 网络理论
243. network topology ==> 网络拓扑学
244. neutral ==> 中性点,中性的
245. neutral absorber ==> 非选择性吸收体
246. neutral atom ==> 中性原子
247. neutral atom laser ==> 中性原子激光器
248. neutral bus ==> 中性母线
249. neutral conductor ==> 中性线,中线
250. Neutral Current (N Amp) ==> 中线电流
251. neutral earth ==> 中性点接地
252. neutral ground ==> 中性点接地
253. neutral grounding network ==> 中性点接地电力网
254. neutral phase ==> 中性相位
255. neutral plane ==> 中性面
256. neutral point ==> 中性点
257. neutral point displacement ==> 中性点位移
258. neutral point grounding system ==> 电网中性点接地
259. neutral reactor ==> 中性线接地电抗器
260. neutral relay ==> 无极继电器
261. neutral resistance ==> 中性电阻
262. neutral temperature ==> 中性温度
263. neutral terminal ==> 中性线端
264. neutral trapping center ==> 中性俘获中心
265. neutral zone ==> 中性区
266. neutralization ==> 中和
267. neutralizing capacitor ==> 中和电容器
268. neutrodyne ==> 中和式高频调谐放大器,有中和的高频调谐放大器
269. neutrodyne receiver ==> 衡消接受机
270. neutron ==> 中子
271. neutron activation analysis ==> 中子激活分析
272. neutron density ==> 中子密度
273. neutron doped semiconductor ==> 中子掺入半导体
274. neutron doped silicon ==> 中子掺入硅
275. neutron doping ==> 中子掺入
276. neutron irradiation ==> 中子照射
277. neutron pumping ==> 中子激励
278. neutron reactor ==> 中子堆
279. neutron yield ==> 中子产额
280. neutrosphere ==> 中性圈
281. New York State Electric & Gas Corporation ==> 纽约州立电力-燃气公司
282. Newton interpolation ==> 牛顿插值
283. Newton iteration method ==> 牛顿迭代法
284. Newton Laphson algorithm ==> 牛顿-拉夫逊法
285. Newton Laphson iteration ==> 牛顿-拉夫逊迭代法
286. Newton Laphson method ==> 牛顿-拉夫逊法(潮流计算)
287. Newton relation ==> 牛顿方程,放热方程
288. Newton‘s interpolation formula ==> 牛顿内插公式
289. Newton‘s law ==> 牛顿定律
290. Newton, I.Newton ==> 1643-1727,牛顿,英国科学家
291. Newtonian cooling ==> 牛顿流体冷却
292. Newtonian fluid ==> 牛顿流体
293. nfet ==> n沟道场效应晶体管
294. NGN ==> 下一代网络
295. nichrome ==> 镍铬铁合金
296. nichrome wire ==> 镍铬合金线
297. nickel ==> 镍
298. nickel cadmium cell ==> 镍镉蓄电池
299. nickel chrom heater ==> 镍铬合金线加热器
300. nickel chrom heating element ==> 镍铬合金线加热器
301. nickel electrode ==> 镍电极
302. nickel foil ==> 镍箔
303. nickel iron cell ==> 镍铁蓄电池
304. nickel silver ==> 德银
305. nickel steel ==> 镍钢
306. nickel zinc ferrite ==> 镍锌铁氧体
307. nico ==> 镍钴合金
308. nife ==> 镍铁合金
309. night airglow ==> 夜天光
310. night bell ==> 液钤
311. night effect ==> 夜间效应
312. night tariff ==> 夜班费
313. nippers ==> 尖头钳
314. nipple ==> 螺纹接头
315. nit ==> 尼特
316. niton ==> 氡
317. nitric oxide ==> 氮氧化物
318. nitridation ==> 氮化
319. nitride gate ==> 氮化硅栅
320. nitride masking ==> 氮化硅掩蔽
321. nitride oxide reactor ==> 氮化物氧化物反应器
322. nitride oxide structure ==> 氮化物氧化物结构
323. nitride passivation ==> 氮化硅钝化
324. nitride process ==> 氮化硅工艺
325. nitrogen ==> 氮
326. nitrogen dioxide ==> 二氧化氮
327. nitrogen dusting ==> 氮气吹尘
328. nitrogen filled lamp ==> 充氮灯
329. nitrogen purging ==> 氮气吹尘
330. nitrogen purifier ==> 氮气提纯器
331. nitrogen sealed transformer ==> 氮封变压器
332. nitrogenous hood ==> 氮箱
333. nitrox ==> 氮化物氧化物结构
334. nitrox reactor ==> 氮化物氧化物反应器
335. nmos ==> n沟道金属氧化物半导体
336. nmos technology ==> nmos工艺
337. nmos transistor ==> nmos晶体管
338. no dropping ==> 切勿坠落(包装外表标志)
339. no failure operation ==> 无故障工作
340. no load ==> 无载的
341. no load characteristic ==> 无载特性,空载特性
342. no load conditions ==> 空载状态
343. no load current ==> 无载电流,空载电流
344. no load excitation ==> 无载励磁
345. no load losses ==> 无载损耗
346. no load operation ==> 无载运行
347. no load power ==> 无载功率
348. no load running ==> 无载运行
349. no load saturation curve ==> 无载饱和曲线
350. no load slip ==> 空载转差
351. no load speed ==> 空转速度
352. no load test ==> 无载式验,无载试验
353. no load voltage ==> 无载电压
354. no spark zone ==> 无火花区
355. no voltage relay ==> 无压继电器
356. Nobel laureate ==> 诺贝尔奖获得者
357. noble gas ==> 惰性气体
358. noble gas ion laser ==> 惰性气体离子激光器
359. noble metal cermet ==> 贵金属陶瓷
360. noble metal paste ==> 贵金属膏
361. nocturnal radiation ==> 夜间辐射
362. nodal ==> 结点的
363. nodal admittance matrix ==> 节点导纳矩阵
364. nodal circle ==> 节圆
365. nodal diagram ==> (叶片)节点振动图
366. nodal diameter ==> 节径
367. nodal displacement ==> 结点位移
368. nodal equilibrium equation ==> 节点平衡方程
369. nodal force ==> 节点力
370. nodal function method Green‘s ==> 节块格林函数法
371. nodal impedance matrix ==> 节点阻抗矩阵
372. nodal integration method ==> 节块积分法
373. nodal line ==> 节线
374. nodal method of analysis ==> 节点分析法
375. nodal pattern ==> 振动节型
376. nodal point ==> 结点
377. nodal potential ==> 波节电位,节点电位
378. nodal pricing ==> 节点价格
379. nodal section ==> 节面
380. nodal voltage ==> 节点电压
381. nodal voltage equation ==> 节点电压方程
382. nodal voltage method ==> 节点电位法
383. node ==> 波节,节点
384. node of electric circuit ==> 电路节点
385. node of oscillations ==> 振动波节
386. noise ==> 噪声,干扰,杂音
387. noise abatement ==> 噪声抑制
388. noise-air-pollution ==> 噪声-空气污染
389. noise amplitude ==> 噪声振幅,噪声干扰
390. noise analyzer ==> 噪声分析器
391. noise anslysis ==> 噪声分析
392. noise background ==> 背景噪声
393. noise balancing circuit ==> 抗曝电路
394. noise barrier ==> 噪声声垒
395. noise characteristics ==> 噪声特性
396. noise coefficient ==> 噪声系数
397. noise compensation ==> 噪声补偿
398. noise control ==> 噪声控制
399. noise control law ==> 噪声管制法
400. noise control legistation ==> 噪声管制立法
401. noise control program ==> 噪声控制规划
402. noise criteion curve ==> 噪声标准曲线
403. noise criteria ==> 噪声标准
404. noise current ==> 噪声电流
405. noise cutting off ==> 噪声截止
406. noise detector ==> 噪声检测器
407. noise diagnostics ==> 噪声诊断
408. noise diode ==> 噪声二极管
409. noise dispersion ==> 噪声分散
410. noise distortion ==> 噪声畸变
411. noise dose ==> 噪声剂量
412. noise effect ==> 噪声影响
413. noise elimination ==> 消声
414. noise environment ==> 噪声环境
415. noise equivalent power ==> 噪声等效功率
416. noise exposure ==> 噪声暴露
417. noise exposure forecast ==> 噪声暴露预报
418. noise exposure meter ==> 噪声暴露计
419. noise factor ==> 噪声因数
420. noise factor meter ==> 噪声系数测量计
421. noise figure ==> 噪声指数
422. noise filter ==> 静噪滤波器,噪声滤波器
423. noise filtering ==> 噪声过滤
424. noise footprint ==> 噪声污染的地面区域
425. noise-free ==> 无噪声的
426. noise-free receiver ==> 无噪声接收机
427. noise function ==> 噪声函数
428. noise generator ==> 噪声发生器,噪音发生器
429. noise generator diode ==> 噪声发生装置二极管
430. noise immunity ==> 抗扰度
431. noise immunization ==> 消除噪声
432. noise insulation factor ==> 噪声隔离因素
433. noise intensity ==> 噪声级
434. noise interference ==> 噪声干扰
435. noise level ==> 噪声电平
436. noise level test ==> 噪声级试验
437. noise limitation ==> 噪声限制
438. noise limiter ==> 噪声抑制器,噪声限制器
439. noise-load ratio ==> 噪声负载比
440. noise margin ==> 噪声容限
441. noise measurement ==> 噪声测量
442. noise-measuring equipment ==> 噪声测量设备
443. noise meter ==> 噪声测试器,噪声测试器噪声计
444. noise modulated ==> 噪声调制的
445. noise modulation ==> 噪声调制
446. noise monitoring ==> 噪声监测
447. noise muffler ==> 噪声衰减器,消声器
448. noise network ==> 噪声网络
449. noise nuisance ==> 噪声公害
450. noise peak ==> 噪声峰值
451. noise pollution ==> 噪声污染
452. noise potential ==> 噪声电压
453. noise power ==> 噪声功率
454. noise power spectrum ==> 噪声功率谱
455. noise precaution ==> 噪声预防
456. noise prevention ==> 噪声防止
457. noise-producing equipment ==> 噪声发生装置
458. noise-producing source ==> 噪声发生源
459. noise-proof device ==> 防噪声装置
460. noise propagation ==> 噪声传播
461. noise protection ==> 噪声防护
462. noise protector ==> 噪声防护器
463. noise silencer ==> 噪声抑制器
464. noise source ==> 噪声源
465. noise spectral power density ==> 噪声功率频谱密度
466. noise spectrum ==> 噪声频谱
467. noise stability ==> 噪声稳定度
468. noise standard ==> 噪声标准
469. noise suppression ==> 噪声抑制
470. noise suppressor ==> 噪声抑制器
471. noise temperature ==> 噪声温度
472. noise unity ==> 噪声单位
473. noise voltage ==> 噪声电压
474. noiseless tuning ==> 无噪声调谐
475. noisy channel ==> 有噪声信道
476. noisy signal ==> 噪声信号
477. nomenclature ==> 名称
478. nominal ==> 标称,标称的
479. nominal acceleration time ==> 标称加速时间
480. nominal circuit voltage ==> 标称电路电压
481. nominal current ==> 标称电流
482. nominal failure load ==> 标称破坏荷重
483. nominal frequency ==> 额定频率
484. nominal induced electromotive force ==> 额定感应电动势
485. nominal load ==> 额定负载
486. nominal power ==> 额定功率
487. nominal pull in torque ==> 额定牵入转矩
488. nominal range of use ==> 标称使用范围
489. nominal rating ==> 额定出力
490. nominal resistance ==> 标称电阻
491. nominal size ==> 标称尺寸
492. nominal steepness ==> 标称陡度
493. nominal transformation ratio ==> 标称变换系数
494. nominal transformer ratio ==> 标称变换系数,变压比
495. nominal value ==> 标称值
496. nominal voltage ==> 标称电压,额定电压
497. nomogram ==> 诺模图
498. nomograph ==> 诺模图
499. non aging ==> 不老化的
500. non aging insulation ==> 不老化绝缘
501. non aging steel ==> 非时效钢
502. non algebraic ==> 算术的
503. non attended operation ==> 无人值班运行
504. non attended substation ==> 无人变电所
505. non attenuating wave ==> 等幅波
506. non conducting state ==> 不导电态
507. non conductor ==> 非导体
508. non contact relay ==> 无触点继电器
509. non contact switch ==> 无触点开关
510. non contact thickness gaging ==> 非接触式测厚
511. non decreasing function ==> 非衰减函数
512. non destructive read out memory ==> 不破坏读出存储器
513. non destructive reading ==> 无损读出
514. non destructive test ==> 非破坏试验
515. non dimensional curve ==> 无因次曲线
516. non dimensional time ==> 无因次时间
517. non directional ==> 不定向的
518. non directional current protection ==> 非方向电流保护装置
519. non directive ==> 不定向的
520. non disjunction ==> 或非
521. non electrical quantity ==> 非电量
522. non erasable storage ==> 不可抹去存储器固定存储器
523. non exposed installation ==> 无曝露的设备
524. non grounded system ==> 非接地方式
525. non homing ==> 不归位的
526. non homogen field ==> 非均匀场
527. non inductive ==> 无感的
528. non inductive circuit ==> 无感电路
529. non inductive load ==> 无感负载
530. non inductive resistance ==> 无感电阻,无电抗电阻
531. non inductive resistor ==> 无感阻抗
532. non inductive shunt ==> 分流电阻
533. non inductive winding ==> 无感绕组
534. non interacting conditions ==> 非相关状态
535. non interaction control system ==> 无互相动作控制系统
536. non licking key ==> 非锁定电键
537. non linear ==> 非直线性的,非线性的
538. non linear amplifier ==> 非线性放大器
539. non linear circuit ==> 非线性电路
540. non linear computing element ==> 非线性计算元件
541. non linear control system ==> 非线性控制系统
542. non linear control theory ==> 非线性控制理论
543. non linear coupling ==> 非线性联结
544. non linear distortion ==> 非直线失真
545. non linear element ==> 非线性元件
546. non linear filter system ==> 非线性滤波体系
547. non linear link ==> 非线性环节
548. non linear network ==> 非线性网络
549. non linear operator ==> 非线性算子
550. non linear optimal control ==> 非线性最佳控制
551. non linear optimalizing system ==> 非线性最佳系统
552. non linear oscillations ==> 非线性振荡
553. non linear potentiometer ==> 非线性电位计
554. non linear programming ==> 非线性规划
555. non linear resistance arrester ==> 非线性电阻式避雷器
556. non linear resistor ==> 非线性电阻器
557. non linear scale ==> 非线性标度
558. non linear system ==> 非线性系统
559. non linear time base ==> 非线性时基
560. non linearity ==> 非线性
561. non loaded q ==> 无负载q值
562. non locking key ==> 非锁定电键
563. non magnetic ==> 非磁性的
564. non magnetic material ==> 非磁质
565. non magnetic steel ==> 非磁性钢
566. non magnetic substance ==> 非磁质
567. non-negative ==> 非负的
568. non-negative function ==> 非负函数,反余弦函数即是非负函数
569. non oscillating system ==> 非振动系统
570. non oscillatory discharge ==> 非振荡放电
571. non periodical function ==> 非周期函数
572. non polar capacitor ==> 无极电客器
573. non polarized relay ==> 无极继电器
574. non quaded cable ==> 双心电缆
575. non rationalized system of uinits ==> 非有理单位制
576. non reactive load ==> 无电抗负载
577. non reactive resistance ==> 无电抗电阻
578. non reciprocal four terminal network ==> 不可逆四端网络
579. non reciprocal two port ==> 不可逆四端网络
580. non repetitive peak off state voltage ==> 不可逆峰值断态电压
581. non repetitive peak reverse voltage ==> 不重复峰值反向电压
582. non resonating aerial ==> 非谐振天线
583. non resonating antenna ==> 非谐振天线
584. non resonating transformer ==> 非谐振变压器
585. non retentive material ==> 软磁性材料
586. non reversible control ==> 不可逆控制
587. non reversible motor ==> 不可逆电动机
588. non salient pole generator ==> 隐极发电机
589. non salient pole machine ==> 隐极电机
590. non salient pole motor ==> 隐极电动机
591. non salient pole rotor ==> 隐极转子
592. non selective absorber ==> 非选择性吸收体
593. non selective radiator ==> 灰色体
594. non self sustained dischare ==> 非持续放电
595. non sensitivity ==> 无灵敏度
596. non sinusoidal current ==> 非正弦电流
597. non square loop material ==> 非矩形磁滞回线材料
598. non symmetric autooscillations ==> 非对称自振汤
599. non symmetrical adjustment ==> 不对称调节
600. non uniform electric field ==> 不均匀电场
601. non uniformity ==> 不均匀性
602. non utility electric installation ==> 专用设备
603. non utility generation ==> 自用发电
604. nonalbyed contact ==> 无合金化接触
605. noncavity laser ==> 无谐振腔激光器
606. nonconductor ==> 非导体
607. noncontact measurement ==> 非接触测量技术
608. noncontact plunger ==> 非接触式活塞
609. noncontact printing ==> 无接触投影曝光
610. noncontact scribing ==> 无接触划片
611. noncontact welding ==> 非接触焊接
612. nondedicated part ==> 非专用元件
613. nondefective zone ==> 无缺陷区
614. nondegenerate gas ==> 非简并气体
615. nondegenerate semiconductor ==> 非简并半导体
616. nondegenerate state ==> 非简并态
617. nondestructive check ==> 非破坏性试验
618. nondestructive evaluation ==> 非破坏可靠性评价
619. nondestructive monitoring ==> 非破坏性试验
620. nondestructive test ==> 非破坏性试验
621. nondestructive testing ==> 非破坏性试验
622. nondirect transition ==> 间接跃迁
623. nonequilibrium carrier ==> 非平衡载流
624. nonequilibrium density ==> 非平衡浓度
625. nonequilibrium state ==> 非平衡态
626. nonexcited state ==> 非激励状态
627. nonflame spot bonder ==> 无火焰点焊机
628. nonflatness ==> 非平面度
629. nonflexible coaxial line ==> 刚性同轴线
630. noninvasive probe ==> 非侵袭探针
631. nonlinear distortion ==> 非线性失真
632. nonlinear optics ==> 非线性光学
633. nonlinear optimum control ==> 非线性最佳控制
634. nonlinear response ==> 非线性响应
635. nonlinearity ==> 非直线性
636. nonplanarity ==> 非平面度
637. nonpolar crystal ==> 无极性晶体
638. nonpolarized light ==> 非偏振光
639. nonradiative jump ==> 无辐射跃迁
640. nonradiative recombination ==> 无辐射复合
641. nonradiative transition ==> 无辐射跃迁
642. nonradiatve transfer process ==> 无辐射传输过程
643. nonrectifying junction ==> 非整流结
644. nonredundant integrated circuit ==> 无冗余集成电路
645. nonsaturated logic ==> 非饱和逻辑
646. nonsaturated mode ==> 非饱和方式
647. nonsaturation current voltage characteristic ==> 非饱和电流电压特性曲线
648. nonselfmaintained discharge ==> 非自持放电
649. nonsteady state ==> 不稳定状态
650. nonthreshold logic ==> 无阈值逻辑
651. nonuniform field ==> 不均匀场,非均匀场
652. nonuniformity ==> 不均匀性
653. nonvolatile memory ==> 非易失性存储器
654. nonvolatile memory array ==> 非易失性存储企列
655. nonvolatile ram ==> 非易失随机存取存储器
656. NOR circuit ==> 或非电路
657. NOR gate ==> 或非门
658. norm ==> 基准
659. normal ==> 标准的
660. normal acceleration ==> 法向加速度
661. normal alarm ==> 标准报警
662. normal atmosphere ==> 标准大气压
663. normal axis ==> 法线轴
664. normal balance ==> 正常平衡
665. normal band ==> 基带
666. normal beam testing ==> 垂直探伤
667. normal component ==> 法向分量
668. normal condition ==> 正常状态
669. normal contact ==> 定常接点,正规接点
670. normal crystallization ==> 正常结晶
671. normal curve ==> 正态分布
672. normal derivative ==> 法向导数
673. normal direction ==> 法向方向
674. normal direction of rotation ==> 正常转向
675. normal distribution ==> 正态分布
676. normal electrode potential ==> 标准电极电位
677. normal form ==> 标准形
678. normal frequency ==> 额定频率,正常频率
679. normal full load ==> 正常全负荷
680. normal glow discharge ==> 正常辉光放电
681. normal hydrogen electrode ==> 标准氢电极
682. normal illumination ==> 法线照明
683. normal induction ==> 正常磁感
684. normal insulation ==> 正常绝缘
685. normal load ==> 正常负载,额定负荷
686. normal magnetization curve ==> 正常磁化曲线
687. normal operating condition ==> 正常工作状态
688. normal output ==> 正常出力
689. normal permeabillity ==> 正常磁导率
690. normal position ==> 正常位置
691. normal precontingency operating procedures ==> 对应系统事故的正常操作
692. normal response ==> 标准响应
693. normal running ==> 机组运行正常
694. normal sensibility ==> 标准灵敏度
695. normal solution ==> 规度溶液
696. normal state ==> 正常状态
697. normal voltage limits ==> 正常电压范围
698. normalization ==> 规格化,正规化,归一化,标准化
699. normalization condition ==> 归一化条件
700. normalization constant ==> 归一化常数
701. normalization factor ==> 归一化因子
702. normalization of fission source ==> 裂变源归一化
703. normalization point ==> 归一化点
704. normalize ==> 标准化
705. normalized ==> 标准化的
706. normalized admittance ==> 归一化导纳,标准化导纳
707. normalized apparent impedance plane ==> 归一化视在阻抗平面
708. normalized autocorrelation function ==> 标准化自相关函数
709. normalized curve ==> 标准化曲线,正常曲线
710. normalized distance ==> 归一化距离
711. normalized filter ==> 标准化滤波器
712. normalized flow distribution ==> 归一化流量分布
713. normalized frequency ==> 标准化频率
714. normalized impedance ==> 归一化阻抗,标准化阻抗
715. normalized reactance ==> 归一化电抗
716. normalized resistance ==> 归一化电阻
717. normalized root-mean-square value ==> 归一化均方根值
718. normalized spectral density ==> 标准化谱密度
719. normalized unit ==> 标准单位
720. normally closed ==> 正常闭合的
721. normally closed contact ==> 常闭接点
722. normally closed interlock ==> 常闭合接点
723. normally off fet ==> 增强型场效应晶体管
724. normally on fet ==> 耗尽型场效应晶体管
725. normally open ==> 正常断开的
726. normally open contact ==> 常开接点
727. normally open interlock ==> 工作触点
728. normally open valve ==> 常开阀
729. north pole ==> 北极
730. not and circuit ==> 与非电路
731. not circuit ==> 非电路
732. not gate ==> 非门
733. not or circuit ==> 或非电路
734. notch ==> 凹槽,槽口,凹口
735. notching relay ==> 多级式继电器,脉冲次数继电器
736. notice ==> 报文
737. nought ==> 零
738. novolac resin ==> 酚醛清漆树脂
739. nozzle ==> 喷嘴
740. nozzle aerator ==> 喷嘴曝气器
741. nozzle angle ==> 喷嘴角
742. nozzle area ==> 喷嘴面积
743. nozzle atomizer ==> 喷嘴喷雾器
744. nozzle blade ==> 喷嘴导叶
745. nozzle blade cascade ==> 喷嘴叶栅
746. nozzle block ==> 喷嘴组
747. nozzle boss ==> 安装喷嘴用突出部
748. nozzle box ==> 喷嘴室
749. nozzle box assembly ==> 喷嘴室部套
750. nozzle bridge ==> 喷管板加强筋
751. nozzle bucker ==> 喷嘴叶片
752. nozzle button ==> 风帽
753. nozzle cage ==> 喷嘴套
754. nozzle cap nut ==> 喷油嘴紧帽
755. nozzle carrier ==> 喷嘴座
756. nozzle cascade ==> 喷嘴叶栅
757. nozzle chamber ==> 喷嘴室
758. nozzle champ ==> 喷嘴夹
759. nozzle chest ==> 喷嘴室
760. nozzle clearance ==> 喷嘴出口空隙
761. nozzle closure ==> 喷口盖
762. nozzle coefficient ==> 喷嘴系数
763. nozzle configuration ==> 喷嘴形状
764. nozzle contour ==> 喷嘴型线
765. nozzle control ==> 喷嘴调节
766. nozzle control valve ==> 喷嘴调节阀
767. nozzle coolant ==> 冷却剂接管
768. nozzle cover ==> 管嘴盖
769. nozzle curvature ==> 喷嘴曲率
770. nozzle cut-out governing ==> 喷嘴调节
771. nozzle dam ==> 管嘴闸
772. nre ==> 负阻元件
773. ntcr ==> 电阻的负温度系数
774. NTF, no trouble found ==> 未出故障
775. ntl ==> 无阈值逻辑
776. NTSC color television system ==> NTSC制彩色电视
777. nuclear ==> 原子核的,核的,核动力的,有核的
778. nuclear absorption ==> 核子吸收
779. nuclear accident ==> 核事故
780. nuclear acoustic resonance ==> 核声共振
781. nuclear aircraft ==> 核动力飞机
782. nuclear amplitude ==> 核振幅
783. nuclear angular momentum ==> 核角动量,核动量矩
784. nuclear art ==> 核工程
785. nuclear atom ==> 核形原子
786. nuclear auxiliary building ==> 核辅助厂房
787. nuclear auxiliary power ==> 辅助核动力
788. nuclear average temperature ==> 核平均温度
789. nuclear bank ==> 核燃料库
790. nuclear blinding energy ==> 核的结合能
791. nuclear boiler ==> 核锅炉
792. nuclear boiling ==> 核态沸腾
793. nuclear breeder ==> 核增殖堆
794. nuclear breeding ==> 核增殖
795. nuclear calaculations ==> 核计算,堆物理计算
796. nuclear capture ==> 粒子捕获
797. nuclear chain reaction ==> 核链式反应
798. nuclear charge ==> 核电荷
799. nuclear chemical engineering ==> 核化学工程
800. nuclear chemistry ==> 核化学
801. nuclear chilled-water system ==> 核冷冻水系统
802. nuclear community ==> 核社区
803. nuclear energy ==> 核能
804. nuclear fission ==> 核分裂
805. nuclear fuel ==> 原子燃料
806. nuclear fusion ==> 核融合
807. nuclear laser ==> 核激光器
808. nuclear power ==> 核能
809. nuclear power plant ==> 原子能发电厂
810. nuclear power station ==> 原子能发电厂
811. nuclear pumping ==> 核抽运
812. nuclear reaction energy ==> 核反应能
813. nuclear reactor ==> 核反应推
814. nuclear test ==> 核试验
815. nuclear threat ==> 核威胁
816. nuclear trainer ==> 核电厂培训设备
817. nuclear transients calculation ==> 核瞬态计算
818. nuclear turbine ==> 核汽轮机,核能透平
819. nuclear waste ==> 核废物
820. nuclear waste disposal ==> 核废物处置
821. nuclear waste repository ==> 核废物处置库
822. nuclear waste storage ==> 核废物储存
823. nuclear waste treatment ==> 核废物处理
824. nuclear weapon ==> 核武器
825. nucleating layer ==> 成核层
826. nucleation ==> 成核
827. nucleation center ==> 成核中心
828. nucleation energy ==> 成核能
829. nucleation rate ==> 成核速度
830. nucleation time ==> 成核时间
831. nucleon ==> 核子
832. nucleus ==> 原子核,晶核
833. nucleus formation ==> 成核
834. nucleus growth ==> 核生长
835. nucleus of crystal ==> 晶核
836. null adjustment ==> 零位调节
837. null balance voltmeter ==> 补偿电压表
838. null detection ==> 检零
839. null galvanometer ==> 零点检流计
840. null indicator ==> 零位指示器
841. null method ==> 零位法
842. number of degree of freedom ==> 自由度数
843. number of layers ==> 层数
844. number of linkage ==> 匝链数
845. number of scanning lines ==> 扫描线数
846. number of turns ==> 匝数
847. number plate ==> 号码盘
848. numeric character ==> 数字字符
849. numeric coding ==> 数值编码
850. numeric shift ==> 数字转移
851. numerical analysis ==> 数值分析,数字分析
852. numerical aperture ==> 数值孔径
853. numerical code ==> 数字码
854. numerical control ==> 数字控制
855. numerical control engineering ==> 数字控制工学
856. numerical control system ==> 数字控制系统
857. numerical integration ==> 数字积分,数值积分法
858. numerical modeling ==> 数值模拟
859. numerically controlled optical system ==> 数字控制光学系统
860. nut ==> 螺帽
861. nuvistor ==> 超小型抗震电子管
862. nvm ==> 非易失性存储器
863. nvram ==> 非易失随机存取存储器
864. NYISO, New York Independent System Operator ==> 纽约州独立系统交易运行机构
865. Nyquist curve ==> 尼奎斯特曲线
866. Nyquist diagram ==> 尼奎斯特线图
867. Nyquist locus ==> 尼奎斯特轨迹
868. Nyquist plane ==> 尼奎斯特平面
869. Nyquist stability criterion ==> 尼奎斯特稳定性判据
870. Nyquist‘s criterion ==> 尼奎斯特判据

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