

英国经济 第四讲 - 英国概况

rain0 于2012-01-11发布 l 已有人浏览
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过渡时期的英国 第十二讲 1.Arable farming emphasizes crop production and occurs on the more fertile soils. The chief crops are wheat, barely, oats, sugar beer and potatoes. During farming rears cattle primarily for milk production. Western regions with moderate rainfull, mild winters and cool summers are often important dairy areas. 耕地业重点是农作物生产,所需较肥沃的土壤,主要农作物有小麦,大麦,燕麦,甜菜和土豆。乳品业饲养的牛主要供生产牛奶。因此,降雨量适中,冬天温和,夏天凉爽的西部地区是重要的奶制业地区。 2.Stock farming rears livestock primarily for meat (e.g. beef , lamb). Market gardening is the growing

过渡时期的英国  第十二讲  

1.Arable farming emphasizes crop production and occurs on the more fertile soils. The chief crops are wheat, barely, oats, sugar beer and potatoes. During farming rears cattle primarily for milk production. Western regions with moderate rainfull, mild winters and cool summers are often important dairy areas.
2.Stock farming rears livestock primarily for meat (e.g. beef , lamb). Market gardening is the growing of vegetable and fruit which can be rapidly transported to market while fresh.
3.Britain is the fifth largest trading nation in the world. Napoleon called it a “nation of shopkeepers” and it has remained one even after the end of empire and the loss of its political and economic hegemony.


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