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每日翻译第58期:六个小贴士帮你降低碳水化合物的摄入Six Tips to Help You Lower Your Carb Intake

asura 于2015-08-25 13:07:10发布 l 已有人浏览
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今日翻译的素材来自小ew88中文短文栏目,主题介绍了“Six Tips to Help You Lower Your Carb Intake”六个小贴士帮你降低碳水化合物的摄入,每日一译,提升自己。

Understand how carbohydrates work: carbohydrates are essential to a number of functions in the body, including growth and your body’s metabolism.

If you want to follow a low carb diet, you should eliminate as many of the simple carbohydrates which are made from refined grains as you can from your diet while at the same time including more complex carbohydrates commonly found in whole grains in your diet.

Reducing your intake of carbohydrates based on your activity level is the perfect way to keep your weight in check while also making sure your body still gets the fuel it needs every day.

You shouldn’t try to completely eliminate all carbohydrates from your diet.

A few examples of foods you should avoid are: white bread, white rice, pizza crust, muffins, biscuits, pancakes, hot dog and hamburger buns.

Even if you are choosing a low carb diet, there are many foods that are perfectly okay for you to eat that are rich in complex carbohydrates; these include: beans, whole wheat bread, brown rice, oats and other whole grains.

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