
Little Fox Phonics自然拼读视频教程44:'oi','oy' words:The boy with Coin

chengbin 于2015-12-01发布 l 已有人浏览
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Little Fox Phonics自然拼读视频教程44:'oi','oy' words:The boy with Coin有“OI”,“OY”的单词:拿着硬币的男孩,动画视频在线观看及中英文本阅读。

44. 'oi', 'oy' words:The boy with Coin


"Oh joy! " said the boy with the coin. "Can I join your game? "
"Yes, " said Roy. "But you must give me your coin. "

“噢真快乐!”拿着硬币的男孩说。 “我能加入你们的游戏吗?”
“可以,”罗伊说。 “但你必须把你的硬币给我。”

"Oh joy! " said the boy with the oil.
"Can I join your game? "
"Yes, " said Roy. "But you must give me your oil. "

“可以,”罗伊说。 “但你必须把你的油给我。”

"Oh joy! " said the boy with the toy. "Can I join your game? "
"Yes, " said Roy. "But you must give me your toy. "

“噢真快乐!”拿着玩具男孩说。 “我能加入你们的游戏吗?”
“可以,”罗伊说。 “但你必须把你的玩具给我。”

"Oh joy! " said the boy with the oyster. "Can I join your game? "
"Yes, " said Roy. "But you must give me your oyster. "

“噢真快乐!”拿着牡蛎男孩说。 “我能加入你们的游戏吗?”
“可以,”罗伊说。 “但你必须把你的牡蛎给我。”

"Oh joy! " said the boy with the tin foil. "Can I join your game? "
"Yes, " said Roy. "But you must give me your tin foil. "

“噢真快乐!”拿着锡纸男孩说。 “我能加入你们的游戏吗?”
“可以,”罗伊说。 “但你必须把你的锡纸给我。”

"Oh joy! " said the boy with a long coil. "Can I join your game? "
"Yes, " said Roy. "But you must give me your long coil. "

“噢真快乐!”拿着长线圈的男孩说。 “我能加入你们的游戏吗?”
“可以,”罗伊说。 “但你必须把你长的线圈给我。”

"Oh joy! " said the boy with a loud voice. "Can I join your game? "
"Yes, " said Roy. "But you must give me your loud voice. "

“噢真快乐!”声音响亮的男孩说。 “我能加入你们的游戏吗?”
“可以,”罗伊说。 “但你必须把你的大嗓门给我。”

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