

芝加哥林肯动物园150周年庆 将免费进行到底

kira86 于2018-08-17发布 l 已有人浏览
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Chicago's Lincoln Park Zoo celebrates 150th Anniversary


The history of Chicago's Lincoln Park Zoo started 150 years ago with a gracious gift from New York City officials."When the commissioners of the Board of Public Works of the city of Chicago received a gift of two pairs of swans from the commissioners of Central Park in New York City, the gift was actually arranged by two brothers,a man named Andrew Greene who was quite famous for starting a lot of the famous cultural institutions in New York City.And his brother who was working for the Illinois Michigan canal."


The swans appeared to have brought the zoo good luck.Today their descendants still flowed gracefully in the zoo's pond, but there's a lot more to see. Spread across five square kilometers, the Lincoln Park Zoo boasts a spacious pool with sea lions,big for the Lions, for predators and giant spaces for herbivores.With more than 200 different species of animals on display, it's a popular attraction that draws about three million visitors each year."Hi, yeah, I do visit the zoo often we live in Chicago. And I wasn't aware that it was the anniversary so that's fantastic."


But with the Earth's climate changing and the loss of natural habitat, many of the animals pieces on display are fighting for their survival. "This species of penguins, African penguins are endangered in the wild. And we're part of a Species Survival Plan working with other zoos to support the population.And so that's really good news here, when we had that chick born. He's about four months now and he's already almost as big as his parents." A lot of people believe penguins only live in the icy Antarctic, but these little ones come from South Africa.Chicago's climate is very similar to where they come from, so the birds feels right at home with the windy city's snowy winters and warm summers.

但随着地球气候的变化和自然习性的丧失,许多展出的动物都在为生存而战。这种非洲企鹅在野外濒临灭绝。我们参加了物种生存计划,与其他动物园合作共同支持野生动物数量增长。 所以有一只小企鹅在这里出生了,这真是个好消息。他现在已经四个月了,而且他已经差不多和父母一样大了。很多人认为企鹅只生活在冰冷的南极,但这些小家伙来自南非。芝加哥的气候和它们的家乡非常相似,所以这些鸟儿觉得这座风城多雪的冬天和温暖的夏天就像它们在家里一样。

I think this is one of the best enclosures for penguins I've seen yet."So the zoo has always been free since it was stared as a civic park. The question came up early in the zoo's history sometime in the 1870s,of whether we should start charging for some buildings to sort of maintain and pay for the animals upkeep.The commissioners in the 1870s decided no, it would always remain free. A lot has changed at Lincoln Park Zoo over the last century and a half, but some things remain the same. For visitors and animal researchers, it's a place to appreciate nature and cherish the wildlife that alive among us.


Roman Verkhovsky in Chicago, I'm Anna Raise. VOA news.


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