


kira86 于2018-05-18发布 l 已有人浏览
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FL Students Develop Anti-Skimming Detector to Stop ATM Hackers


Advanced credit cards have electronic chips, which are difficult to crack. But many of them also have magnetic strips, so they can be used on older card readers usually in small stores and gas pumps. And that's where they get compromised.


Credit cards are read using something called a card reader or a read head.All, at any given time only one read head should be present in a card slot.Crooks simply attach their own card readers onto the existing ones.And when a customer inserts the credit card the extra reader retrieves all the information needed to create a perfect copy.


This type of crime is widespread especially in large cities such as New York, where only four detectives are trained to spot extra readers attached to ATMs. Now their task may become easier with a device called the skim Reaper,invented by a group of students at the University of Florida led by Professor Patrick Trainoe."We're glad to be able to produce something that will curb the tide."The device consists of an electronic card about twice as long as the regular credit card attached to a box with a digital display. When inserted in the ATM slot the digital display immediately reveals the presence of an extra card reader.

这种类型的犯罪在纽约这样的大城市尤其普遍,那里只有四名侦探被训练来发现附加在自动取款机上的额外读卡器。现在,他们的任务可能会变得更容易了,因为有一种叫做“Skim Reaper”的设备,由佛罗里达大学的帕特里克·特莱诺教授领导着一群学生发明。我们很高兴能创造出这样一种力挽狂澜的东西。该设备由一张电子卡片组成,它的长度是普通信用卡的两倍。当插入到ATM插槽时,如有不测会立即显示额外读卡器的存在。

Impressed with their technology, in their wise on how to come up with this machine for the tech scheming arouses.The parts for the card reader detector costs about 50 dollars.But its inventors say they're trying to make it cheaper and smaller,so that even untrained law enforcement officers can use it on a daily basis.


George Putic VOA News.


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