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'Cook It, Save It, Share It' Campaign Fights Food Waste


Peter Rabbit, best known for stealing carrots from farmer McGregor's garden, is now urging everyone to cook it save it or share it, so they don't waste carrots or any other food for the effort that went into producing it.The Ad council's save the food campaign sponsored by the Natural Resources Defense Council is bringing that message to even more cities across the country this summer.


When you throw something into your trash or into the disposer,there's a lot of water that was embedded in producing that food, right?Similarly with pesticides, fertilizers, labor, and all those things get wasted.That adds up to 160 billion dollars wasted each year in the United States, according to estimates by the US Food and Drug Administration.And that has an impact not just on our wallets but on the environment.Food waste is the single largest material type of filling up our landfills and once it's there,it's giving off a really potent greenhouse gas called methane and so it also has contributed to climate change.


A spokesperson for the Environmental Protection Agency told VOA news that although the waste problem may seem too big to be manageable, simple steps can be taken in daily life to reduce it.Organizations such as ReFED and the Natural Resources Defense Council agree.You tend overbuy, so something is really helpful and it's very simple, but it's just to make a grocery list before you go shopping.They can ask their local grocery stores how they're managing food.Are they donating excess food to the hungry in their community? I'm also going to restaurants and asking for options on the portion size that they're able to be served.Activists say taking those steps could help the average American consumer save 1600 dollars each year by cutting unnecessary spending on food that is never eaten.

环境保护局的一位发言人告诉美国之音新闻说,尽管浪问题看似十分严重难以处理,但是我们可以日行小事减少浪费。ReFED(Rethink Food Waste)和自然资源保护委员会等组织也表示认同。你往往过度购买,所以有些东西真的很管用,而且也很简单,不过是在买东西前做个购物清单。他们可以问问当地杂货铺他们是怎么处理(多余)食物的。他们是不是把多余食物捐赠给了社区里面吃不饱饭的人们?我去餐厅吃饭,会请求他们给我食物不同分量的选项。活动家们表示,通过采取一些措施,美国普通消费者每年可以节约1600美元,即减少花在这些浪费掉的食物上的非必要开支。

Veronica Balderas Iglesias VOA news Washington

美国之音新闻,Veronica Balderas Iglesias华盛顿报道。

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