

高中生诵读精华:两种可能 滑冰or游泳

kira86 于2020-04-07发布 l 已有人浏览
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Two Possibilities


The Greens lived in a valley with high mountains around it. There was a lake near their village. So some people liked to spend their holiday in the cool and quiet place in summer. They could swim or fish there. Mr. Green had a building by the lake. Through the window or from the roof, he could get a lot of money. But when winter came, it blew hard and snowed heavily. All the narrow roads were all covered with thick snow and ice. It was dangerous for the visitors to get there though it was a good place for skating. The villagers had to spend a cold and long winter. They had to stay in the houses until the next spring. They had nothing to do during the whole winter.

格林一家住在山谷里,四周高山耸立。在他们村庄附近有一个湖 泊,有些人喜欢夏天在这凉爽安静的地方度假。他们可以在湖里游泳或 钓鱼。格林先生在湖边有一所房子。透过窗户或者站在屋顶上可以饱览湖光山色,他因而可以挣到很多钱。但是当冬天到来的时候,北风呼啸,大雪纷飞。所有狭窄的道路都覆盖上了厚厚的冰雪。虽然是个滑冰的好地方,但游人很难到达这里。村民们只好度过一个寒冷而又漫长的冬天。他们只能待在家里,直到第二年春天。整个冬天,他们无事可做。

It was early winter. All the visitors left as soon as the first snow fell. The lake began to be covered with ice. After breakfast Bill wanted to go skating on the lake while Mike was busy reading a picture book. He asked his brother to go with him.

初冬时节。第一场雪下过,所有的游客都立即离开了。湖面上开始 结上了冰。吃完早饭,比尔想去湖上滑冰,而迈克正埋头看一本图画书。 他邀请他的兄弟跟他一起去。

“The ice is thin, I think,” said Mike. “I have to finish reading the book this morning.”


Bill didn’t agree and went there alone. A few hours later lunch was ready, but Mr. Green couldn’t find Bill. He asked Mike if he knew where the boy was.


“There are two possibilities, I think. He’s skating on the lake if the ice is thick, or he’s swimming in the lake!”


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