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新概念w88中文名人名言第二册 Lesson 3 (中英+MP3)

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新概念w88中文名人名言第二册 Lesson 3 w88中文名人名言,文本中英对照,含mp3在线试听。

Books are a pure and beautiful entity.     Wordsworth


Life consists not in holding good cards , but in playing well those you hold.——J. Billings

人生并不在于获得一手好牌,而在于怎样将手中的牌打好。 比林斯(人生篇)

Being indecisive in making great decision and having insufficient rushing strength are the two major causes which make us frustrated and depressed.——Edison


If will make you live at ease ; friendly, it will con ideas, emotions and incidents ; it will teach you to respect yourself and others ; it encourages wisdom and soul love to the world and human beings.——Gorky

它会使你生活轻松;它会友爱地帮助你了解纷繁复杂的思想、情感和事件;它会教 导你尊重别人和你自己;它以热爱世界、热爱人类的情感来鼓舞智慧和心灵。 高尔基(书将篇)

 Mon's good and evil is at the peril of the public for tune.---Bacon


If democracy is to survive, it is the task of men of thought, as well as men of action ’ to put aside pride and prejudice,and with courage and singte~mined devotion—and above all with humility一 to find the truth and preach the truth that shall keep men free.-----Franklin Roosevelt

要使民主得以存在,善于思索的人与善于行动的人都必须去除傲慢与偏见;他们 要有勇气,有全心全意的献身精神,最主要的是要有谦虚精神,去寻求与传播使人 民永保自由的真理。罗斯福(社会篇)

Books do not teach the use of books--------Hazlitt


No doubt,understanding is tne soil to breed all fruits of friendship ?——Wilson

理解是无疑是培育一切友情之果的土壤。 威尔逊(处世篇)

Joys and worries accompany life. We should be joyful for the whole world's joys and worried about the whole world's worries, Then our joys would be noble and our worries profound.---Romain Rolland

乐与忧,伴随人生。乐天下之乐,忧天下之忧,乐得高尚,忧得深沉。  罗曼罗兰(生法篇)

"I am ashamed of my emptiness", said the Word poor I am when I see you", said the Work to the Word.  --Tagore

文字对工作说道广我惭愧我的空虚。"工作对文字说道当我看见你时,我便 知道我是怎样地贫乏了。”泰戈尔(知识篇)

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