

新东方英语900句提高篇52 出门

jo19870724 于2010-04-01发布 l 已有人浏览
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高速下载 I‘ll take a vacation next week.下周我将会去休假。I‘ll take a vacation next month.I took a vacation

I‘ll take a vacation next week.


I‘ll take a vacation next month.

I took a vacation last week.

My vacation is fifteen days.

I didn‘t realize the time has passed so quickly.


Time really flies. 光阴似箭。

Time flies.

How time flies.

I’ve got a lot of things to do before I can leave.


I’ve got a book.

I've got a TV.

For one thing, I’ve got to drop by the bank to get some money.


Money talks. 有钱能使鬼推磨。

cash 现钞

I want to get some cash.

I’m leaving tomorrow, but I haven‘t packed my suitcase.


First of all, I have to apply for a passport.


get a visa

visa officer 签证官

embassy 大使馆

consulate 领事馆

I’ve booked a plane ticket to San Francisco.


plane ticket = air ticket

first class 头等舱 economy class 经济舱

business class 商务舱

return ticket 往返票 one-way ticket 单程票

sleeper ticket 火车卧铺票 coach ticket 火车硬座票

book a room 订房间 standard room 标准间

single room 单人间 double room 双人间

suite 套间

It‘s a good thing you reminded me to take my heavy coat.


remind sb to do sth.

Please remind me to close the door.

Please remind me to open the windows.

Please remind me to turn off these lights.

Please remind me to call him.

remind sb of sth.

This picture reminds me of grandma.

This picture reminds me of my home town.

First of all, I have to apply for a passport.


first = first of all = firstly

I’ve booked a plane ticket to San Francisco.


I’ve booked a plane ticket to Shanghai.

I’ve booked a return ticket to Shanghai.

I’ve booked three first class tickets to Shanghai.

I’ve booked a business class ticket to Beijing.

A one-way ticket costs about two hundred dollars.


A return ticket costs about two hundred dollars.

A first class ticket costs about five hundred dollars.

An economy class ticket costs about 180 dollars.

I‘ll see you off at the airport.


I‘ll welcome you at the airport.

I'll meet you at the airport.

I'll pick you up.

rose 玫瑰

carnation 康乃馨

lily 百合花

waterlily 荷花

lotus 莲花

peony 牡丹花

camellia 茶花

tulip 郁金香

China rose 月季花

They are announcing your flight now. You’d better run or you‘ll miss the plane.


You’d better run or you are going to miss the bus.

Before boarding the plane, I‘ll have to check in my luggage.


check in the luggage 托运行李

get the boarding pass 换登机牌

go through the safety check 通过安检

go through the customs 通过海关

waiting room 候机室(候车室、候诊室)

board the plane 登机

take off 起飞

land 降落

sideway,sidewalk 人行横道

overpass 天桥 underpass地下通道

ring road 环线 ,second ring road 二环

Summer Palace 颐和园

Palace Museum 故宫

Tample of Haven 天坛

Fragrant Hill 香山

Lama Tample 雍和宫

 Do you have someting to declare?


You don't have to pay any duty on personal belongs.


duty 关税

duty free shop 免税商店

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