


zongxujian 于2008-05-09发布 l 已有人浏览
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'); 1. r black le

1. r black level ==> 红路黑电平
2. r c coupling ==> 电阻电容耦合
3. r c oscillator ==> rc振荡器
4. r peak level ==> 红色信号峰值电平
5. r s flip flop ==> rs触发器
6. r s t flip flop ==> 复位置位同步触发器
7. r y modulator ==> ry调制器
8. r y signal ==> ry信号
9. raceway ==> 电缆沟
10. racing ==> 空转
11. racing test ==> 逸转试验
12. rack ==> 支架
13. rack mounting ==> 支架安装
14. rack of a pole ==> 电杆倾斜度
15. racon ==> 雷达信标
16. rad ==> 拉德
17. rad hard ==> 增强抗辐射性
18. rad hard process ==> 耐辐射装置制造工艺
19. radar ==> 雷达
20. radar absorbing material ==> 雷达信号吸收材料
21. radar astronomy ==> 雷达天文学
22. radar beacon ==> 雷达信标
23. radar beam riding ==> 雷达波束制导
24. radar blinder ==> 反雷达器
25. radar camouflage ==> 防雷达伪装
26. radar chaff ==> 防雷达箔条
27. radar clutter ==> 雷达杂乱回波
28. radar control area ==> 雷达控制区
29. radar controlled missile ==> 雷达制导导弹
30. radar countermeasures ==> 雷达对抗
31. radar cross section ==> 雷达目标有效截面
32. radar detection ==> 雷达探测
33. radar display ==> 雷达显示器
34. radar display room ==> 雷达显示室
35. radar early warning satellite ==> 远程警戒雷达卫星
36. radar guidance ==> 雷达制导
37. radar guided missile ==> 雷达制导导弹
38. radar holography ==> 雷达全息照相术
39. radar homer ==> 雷达自动引导头
40. radar homing ==> 雷达自动引导
41. radar horizon ==> 雷达动作距离
42. radar image ==> 雷达图像
43. radar immunity ==> 雷达抗扰度
44. radar mapping ==> 雷达地形测绘
45. radar marker ==> 雷达信标
46. radar missile tracker ==> 导弹跟踪雷达
47. radar moving target indicator ==> 雷达移动目标显示器
48. radar plot ==> 雷达测绘板
49. radar resolution ==> 雷达分辨力
50. radar scan ==> 雷达扫描
51. radar screen ==> 雷达荧光屏
52. radar shadow ==> 雷达盲区
53. radar target ==> 雷达目标
54. radar tracking ==> 雷达跟踪
55. radar transmitter ==> 雷达发射机
56. radarscope ==> 雷达显示器
57. radiac ==> 核辐射的测定,放射性的
58. radiac instrumentation ==> 放射性探测仪器
59. radiac instruments ==> 辐射仪表
60. radiacmeter ==> 剂量计,核辐射测定计
61. radial ==> 辐射状的
62. radial admission ==> 径向进汽
63. radial air gap ==> 径向气隙
64. radial armature ==> 凸极电枢
65. radial beam tube ==> 径向偏转电子射线管
66. radial betatron oscillations ==> 径向电子回旋加速振荡
67. radial circuit ==> 放射状线路
68. radial clearance ==> 径向间隙
69. radial commutator ==> 辐射状整流
70. radial coordinate ==> 极坐标
71. radial etch nonuniformity ==> 径向腐蚀不均匀性
72. radial flow plasma etching reactor ==> 径向流等离子体腐蚀装置
73. radial flow turbine ==> 辐流汽轮机
74. radial flux power ==> 辐射通量功率
75. radial focusing ==> 径向聚焦
76. radial force ==> 径向力
77. radial lead ==> 径向引线
78. radial mode laser ==> 径向模式激光器
79. radial network ==> 径向网络,星状网
80. radial stability ==> 径向稳定性
81. radial subtransmission ==> 放射状二次输电
82. radial supply line ==> 辐射形供电线路
83. radial tetrode ==> 射束四极管
84. radial transfer ==> 径向传送
85. radial transmission line ==> 径向输电线路
86. radially operated network ==> 放射状运用网络
87. radian ==> 弧度
88. radian frequency ==> 角频率
89. radian measure ==> 弧度法
90. radiant energy ==> 辐射能
91. radiant flux ==> 辐射通量
92. radiant flux density ==> 辐射通量密度
93. radiant heat ==> 辐射热
94. radiant heater ==> 辐射取暖装置
95. radiant heating ==> 辐射加热
96. radiant intensity ==> 辐射强度
97. radiating element ==> 辐射单元
98. radiating gas ==> 辐射气体
99. radiating heating ==> 辐射加热
100. radiating molecule ==> 辐射分子
101. radiating particle ==> 辐射粒子
102. radiating slot ==> 辐射缝
103. radiation ==> 辐射
104. radiation absorber ==> 辐射吸收器
105. radiation annealing ==> 放射线退火
106. radiation cooling ==> 辐射冷却
107. radiation counter ==> 辐射计数器辐射计数管
108. radiation counter tube ==> 辐射计数管
109. radiation damage ==> 放射线损伤,辐照损伤
110. radiation damage threshold ==> 辐射损伤阈
111. radiation damping ==> 辐射衰减
112. radiation detector ==> 辐射检测器
113. radiation dose meter ==> 辐射剂量计
114. radiation effect ==> 辐射效应
115. radiation efficiency ==> 辐射效率
116. radiation energy ==> 辐射能
117. radiation field ==> 辐射场
118. radiation free processing ==> 无辐射线处理
119. radiation hard cmos ==> 抗辐射互补金属氧化物半导体
120. radiation hardened integrated circuit ==> 抗辐射集成电路
121. radiation hardening ==> 增强抗辐射性
122. radiation hardness ==> 耐辐射性
123. radiation height ==> 有效高度
124. radiation indicator ==> 辐射指示器
125. radiation induced trapping ==> 辐射感应捕获
126. radiation injury ==> 辐射线损伤
127. radiation insensitivity ==> 辐射不灵敏性
128. radiation intensity ==> 辐射强度
129. radiation ionization ==> 辐射电离
130. radiation length ==> 辐射长度
131. radiation lobe ==> 辐射波瓣
132. radiation loss ==> 辐射损耗
133. radiation measurement ==> 辐射测量
134. radiation of conductors ==> 导体辐射
135. radiation path ==> 辐射轨迹
136. radiation pattern ==> 辐射图
137. radiation polarization ==> 辐射极化
138. radiation pressure ==> 辐射压
139. radiation propagation ==> 辐射传播
140. radiation protection ==> 放射线保护,辐射防护
141. radiation protection device ==> 辐射防护装置
142. radiation protection officer ==> 辐射防护官员
143. radiation protection regulation ==> 辐射防护管理
144. radiation protection standard ==> 辐射防护标准
145. radiation protection superviser ==> 辐射防护监督
146. radiation protection supervisor ==> 辐射防护监督人员
147. radiation protection survey ==> 辐射防护测量
148. radiation protection window ==> 辐射防护窗
149. radiation pyrometer ==> 辐射高温计
150. radiation receiver ==> 辐射接收机
151. radiation recombination ==> 辐射复合
152. radiation resistance ==> 耐辐射性
153. radiation resistant diode transistor logic ==> 耐辐射二极管晶体管逻辑
154. radiation safety ==> 辐射安全
155. radiation sensitive material ==> 辐射灵敏材料
156. radiation shielding ==> 辐射屏蔽
157. radiation source ==> 辐射源
158. radiation sterilization ==> 辐照杀菌
159. radiation strenght ==> 耐辐射性
160. radiation survey meter ==> 辐射测量仪
161. radiation susceptibility ==> 辐射灵敏度
162. radiation thermometer ==> 辐射温度计
163. radiation tolerant sos ==> 耐辐射蓝宝石上硅结构
164. radiation type thickness gauge ==> 放射线厚度规
165. radiationless transition ==> 无辐射跃迁
166. radiative equilibrium ==> 辐射平衡
167. radiative jump ==> 辐射跃迁
168. radiative loss ==> 辐射损耗
169. radiative recombination ==> 辐射复合
170. radiative transition ==> 辐射跃迁
171. radiative transition with emission of gamma quantum ==> 量子辐射跃迁
172. radiator ==> 辐射体
173. radical plasma etching ==> 自由基等离子体腐蚀
174. radical reaction ==> 自由基间反应
175. radio ==> 无线电
176. radio altimeter ==> 无线电测高计
177. radio autocontrol ==> 天线电自动控制
178. radio beacon ==> 无线电信标
179. radio beacon receiver ==> 无线电信标接收机
180. radio beacon station ==> 无线电信标台
181. radio beacon system ==> 无线电信标系统
182. radio bearing ==> 无线电方位
183. radio broadcasting ==> 无线电广播
184. radio channel ==> 无线电信道
185. radio command ==> 无线电指挥
186. radio communication ==> 无线电通信
187. radio compass ==> 无线电罗盘
188. radio control ==> 无线电控制
189. radio control receiver ==> 无线电控制信号接收机
190. radio deception ==> 无线电诱感
191. radio direction finder ==> 天线电测向器
192. radio direction finding ==> 天线电测向
193. radio duct ==> 无线电波导
194. radio engineering ==> 无线电工程
195. radio frequency accelerator ==> 射频加速器
196. radio frequency amplifier ==> 射频放大器
197. radio frequency beam ==> 无线电射束
198. radio frequency capture ==> 高频捕获
199. radio frequency choke ==> 射频扼流
200. radio frequency discharge ==> 高频放电
201. radio frequency glow discharge ==> 射频辉光放电
202. radio frequency heating ==> 射频加热
203. radio frequency holography ==> 射频全息照相术
204. radio frequency interference ==> 射频干扰
205. radio frequency intermodulation distortion ==> 射频互调制失真
206. radio frequency plasma etch ==> 高频等离子体腐蚀
207. radio frequency pulse ==> 高频脉冲
208. radio frequency sputtering ==> 射频溅射
209. radio fuse ==> 无线电信管
210. radio goniometer ==> 无线电测角计
211. radio horizon ==> 无线电地平线
212. radio interference ==> 无线电干扰
213. radio interference tests ==> 无线电干扰试验
214. radio jammer ==> 无线电干扰发生器
215. radio jamming ==> 无线电干扰
216. radio link ==> 无线电中继线路,无线电通信线路
217. radio link protection ==> 无线电保护装置
218. radio location ==> 无线电定位
219. radio magnetic indicator ==> 无线电磁指示器
220. radio mast ==> 天线杆
221. radio noise ==> 射频噪声
222. radio noise field intensity ==> 无线电噪声场强度
223. radio noise map ==> 无线电噪声图
224. radio operator ==> 无线电操作员
225. radio phare ==> 无线电信标
226. radio pulse ==> 射电脉冲
227. radio receiver ==> 无线接电收机
228. radio relay system ==> 无线电中继制
229. radio set ==> 无线电机
230. radio signal ==> 无线电信号
231. radio star ==> 电波星
232. radio station ==> 无线电台
233. radio telecontrol ==> 无线电遥控
234. radio telephone network ==> 无线电话网
235. radio telephone system ==> 无线电话系统
236. radio telescope ==> 无线电望远镜
237. radio waves ==> 无线电波
238. radio wind ==> 无线电测风
239. radioactive material ==> 放射性物质
240. radioactive rays ==> 放射线
241. radioactive source ==> 放射源
242. radioactivity ==> 放射性
243. radioastronomy ==> 无线电天文学
244. radioatmosphere ==> 无线电大气
245. radiobearer ==> 无线电测向器
246. radiobiologic action ==> 放射生物动作
247. radiocommunication ==> 无线电通信
248. radioecho ==> 无线电回波
249. radioelectricity ==> 无线电电气
250. radioeletronics ==> 无线电电子学
251. radioengineering ==> 无线电工程
252. radiogalaxy ==> 射电银河系
253. radiogoniometer ==> 无线电测向器
254. radiogoniometry ==> 无线电方位测量法
255. radiogonioscope ==> 无线电测向仪
256. radiogram ==> 无线电报
257. radiography ==> 射线照相法
258. radioisotope ==> 放射性同位素
259. radiolocation ==> 无线电定位
260. radiology ==> 放射学
261. radiometer ==> 辐射计
262. radiometry ==> 辐射度量学
263. radionavigation ==> 无线电导航
264. radioopacity ==> 辐射不透迷
265. radiophone ==> 无线电话
266. radiophotography ==> 无线电传真
267. radiophototelegraphy ==> 无线电传真电报学
268. radioreceiving ==> 无线电接收
269. radiosensitivity ==> 辐射灵敏度
270. radiosonde ==> 无线电探空仪,无线电探空气球
271. radiotelegram ==> 无线电报
272. radiotelegraphy ==> 无线电报
273. radiotelemetry ==> 无线电遥测学
274. radiotelephone ==> 无线电话
275. radiotelephony ==> 无线电话
276. radiotherapy ==> 放射线疗法
277. radiotransmission ==> 无线电发射
278. radiovision ==> 电视
279. radium ==> 镭
280. radius ==> 半径
281. radius of action ==> 动作半径
282. radius of convergence ==> 收敛半径
283. radius of curvature ==> 曲率半径
284. radius of gyration ==> 回转半径
285. radius of influence ==> 有效半径
286. radius of turn ==> 旋转半径
287. radius vector ==> 辐向矢径,位置矢量
288. radix notation ==> 基数记数法
289. radix point ==> 小数点
290. radome ==> 天线罩
291. radon ==> 氡
292. rag bolt ==> 棘螺栓
293. rail ==> 钢轨,栏杆
294. rail bond ==> 轨隙连接器
295. rail bond tester ==> 轨隙联接测试器
296. rail car ==> 有轨车
297. rail current ==> 轨流线
298. rail joint ==> 钢轨接头
299. rail of square steel ==> 方钢轨
300. rail posts ==> 栏杆柱
301. rail resistance ==> 钢轨电阻,干线电阻
302. rail return current ==> 钢轨回流
303. rail splice ==> 鱼尾板,连接板
304. rail spur ==> 铁路岔线
305. rail steel ==> 轨钢
306. rail transport ==> 铁路运输
307. rail voltage ==> 电源,电源线,干线电压
308. railing ==> 栏杆,扶手
309. railing around mounting hole ==> 吊装孔栏杆
310. railroad ==> 铁路
311. railroad electrification ==> 铁道电气化
312. railroad spur line ==> 铁路专用线
313. railroad substation ==> 铁路变电所
314. railway ==> 铁路
315. railway convertor ==> 铁路用变流机
316. railway distribution system ==> 铁路配电系统
317. railway electrification ==> 铁道电气化
318. railway motor ==> 铁路用电动机
319. railway signal ==> 铁路信号
320. railway substation ==> 铁路变电所
321. railway transportation ==> 铁路运输
322. railway turbine ==> 机车燃气轮机
323. railway yard ==> 调车场
324. rain ==> 雨,电子流
325. rain shield insulator ==> 防雨绝缘子
326. rain test ==> 淋雨试验
327. rainbow generator ==> 彩条信号发生器
328. rainbow test pattern ==> 彩虹测试信号图
329. rainfall ==> 降雨量
330. rainproof lighting fitting ==> 防雨照明
331. raintight ==> 防雨的,不漏雨的
332. raised metallized area ==> 隆起的金属化区
333. raised pad ==> 隆起焊盘
334. ram ==> 随机存取存储器
335. ram refresh ==> 随机存取存储器
336. raman bands ==> 喇曼光谱带
337. raman effect ==> 喇曼效应
338. raman frequency conversion ==> 喇曼变频
339. raman laser ==> 喇曼激光器
340. raman line ==> 喇曼谱线
341. raman spectrum ==> 喇曼光谱
342. ramark ==> 雷达信标
343. ramjet ==> 冲压式喷气发动机
344. ramp function ==> 斜坡函数
345. ramp signal ==> 斜坡信号
346. random ==> 随机的
347. random access ==> 随机存取
348. random access communication system ==> 随机存取通信系统
349. random access memory ==> 随机存取存储器
350. random access memory storage ==> 随机存取存储器
351. random access storage memory ==> 随机存取存储器
352. random drift ==> 随机漂移
353. random error ==> 偶然误差,随机误差
354. random failure ==> 随机故障
355. random function ==> 随机函数
356. random imperfection ==> 不规则缺陷
357. random inspection ==> 抽查
358. random interconnecting ==> 随机布线
359. random noise ==> 无规则噪声
360. random number ==> 随机数
361. random process ==> 随机过程
362. random quantity ==> 随机值
363. random signal ==> 随机信号
364. random step function ==> 随机阶函数
365. random variable ==> 随机变量
366. random winding ==> 不规则线圈
367. randomizer ==> 随机数发生器
368. range ==> 动作距离
369. range accuracy ==> 测距精度
370. range adjustment ==> 区域调节
371. range and bearing discrimination ==> 距离和方位鉴别力
372. range discrimination ==> 距离鉴别力
373. range energy relation ==> 射程能量关系
374. range extension ==> 范围的伸展
375. range height indicator ==> 距离高度显示器
376. range indicator ==> 距离指示器
377. range marker generator ==> 距离标志发生器
378. range marks ==> 距离标记
379. range measurement ==> 距离测量
380. range of adjustment ==> 调节范围
381. range of scale ==> 刻度范围
382. range resolution ==> 距离分辨力
383. range switch ==> 波段转换开关
384. ranging ==> 测距
385. rape oil transformer ==> 菜子油变压器
386. rapid auto reclosing ==> 快速自动重合闸
387. rapid transit railway ==> 高速铁道
388. rapping ==> 振动
389. rapping device ==> 振动装置
390. rapping gear ==> 振动装置
391. rare earth ==> 稀土的,稀土族
392. rare earth element ==> 稀土元素
393. rare gas ==> 稀有气体
394. rare metal ==> 稀有金属
395. rare metal couple ==> 稀有金属温差热偶
396. ras ==> 随机存取存储器
397. raster ==> 光栅
398. raster generator ==> 光栅发生器
399. raster geometry ==> 光栅几何学
400. raster linearity ==> 光栅线性
401. raster pitch ==> 光栅线间距
402. raster scan electron beam lithography ==> 光栅扫描电子束光刻
403. raster scan electron beam system ==> 光栅扫描电子束光刻系统
404. raster scanning ==> 光栅扫描
405. rate ==> 收费
406. rate action ==> 微分动作
407. rate action controller ==> 微分动作控制器
408. rate control ==> 微分控制
409. rate grown junction ==> 变速生长结
410. rate growth process ==> 变速成长法
411. rate of change relay ==> 变速继电器
412. rate of charge ==> 充电率
413. rate of cooling ==> 冷却速度
414. rate of discharge ==> 放电速度
415. rate of pulse decay ==> 脉冲衰减率
416. rate of pulse rise ==> 脉冲上升率
417. rate of rise of restriking voltage ==> 再闪击电压上升率
418. rate of rotation ==> 转速
419. rate of vapor deposition ==> 汽相淀积速率
420. rate of voltage rise ==> 电压上升速度
421. rate response ==> 微分响应
422. rate system ==> 收捷制
423. rate time ==> 微分时间
424. rated ==> 额定的
425. rated accuracy ==> 额定精确度
426. rated bleedoff temperature ==> 设计的抽气温度
427. rated breaking ==> 额定遮断功率
428. rated burden ==> 额定负载
429. rated cable-charging breaking current ==> 额定电缆充电开断电流
430. rated capability ==> 额定出力
431. rated capacitance ==> 标称电容量
432. rated capacity ==> 额定容量
433. rated coil current ==> 额定线圈电流
434. rated coil voltage ==> 额定线圈电压
435. rated contact current ==> 额定触点电流
436. rated contact voltage ==> 额定触点电压
437. rated current ==> 额定电流
438. rated duty ==> 额定工作模式
439. rated flow ==> 额定量
440. rated flow of servovalve ==> 伺服阀额定量
441. rated frequency ==> 额定频率
442. rated input ==> 额定输入
443. rated level ==> 额定记录电平
444. rated life ==> 额定寿命
445. rated load ==> 额定负载
446. rated load torque ==> 额定转矩
447. rated output ==> 额定输出
448. rated power ==> 额定功率
449. rated power factor ==> 额定功率因数
450. rated pressure ==> 额定压力
451. rated primary voltage ==> 一次侧额定电压
452. rated quantity ==> 额定量
453. rated slip ==> 额定滑差
454. rated speed ==> 额定速率
455. rated torque ==> 额定转矩
456. rated value ==> 额定值
457. rated voltage ==> 额定电压
458. rating ==> 额定值
459. rating plate ==> 铭牌
460. ratio ==> 比
461. ratio arm ==> 比例臂
462. ratio control ==> 比率控制
463. ratio control system ==> 比例控制制
464. ratio controller ==> 比率控制器
465. ratio detector ==> 比例检波器
466. ratio differential relay ==> 比率差动继电器
467. ratio error ==> 比率误差
468. ratio meter ==> 比率计
469. ratio of power capacity and load ==> 容载比
470. ratio of transformation ==> 变压比
471. ratio of winding ==> 匝数比
472. rational system of units ==> 有理单位制
473. raw silicon ==> 原料硅
474. raw wafer ==> 未加工的晶片
475. rawin ==> 无线电测风
476. ray ==> 光线
477. ray path ==> 射线路径
478. ray trajectory ==> 射线路径
479. rayleigh distribution ==> 瑞利分布
480. rc coupling ==> 阻容耦合
481. rc oscillator ==> rc振荡器
482. RCCB ==> 剩余电流保护器
483. rcdtl ==> 电阻电容二极管晶体管逻辑
484. re-close circuit-breaker ==> 重合闸断路器
485. re recording ==> 转录
486. reach through region ==> 穿通区
487. reach through window ==> 穿通窗
488. reach throuth photodiode ==> 穿透式光二极管
489. reactance ==> 电抗
490. reactance coil ==> 扼流线圈
491. reactance drop ==> 电抗电压降
492. reactance earthed ==> 经电抗接地的
493. reactance grounded ==> 经电抗接地的
494. reactance modulator ==> 电抗调制器
495. reactance protection ==> 电抗保护装置
496. reactance relay ==> 电抗继电器
497. reactance starter ==> 电抗起动器
498. reactance voltage ==> 电抗电压
499. reactant ==> 反应物
500. reaction ==> 反动作
501. reaction alternator ==> 反动作交流电机
502. reaction between crystals ==> 晶体间反应
503. reaction chamber ==> 反应室
504. reaction coil ==> 回授线圈
505. reaction coupling ==> 回授耦合
506. reaction gas ==> 反应气体
507. reaction heat ==> 反应热
508. reaction motor ==> 反动作电动机
509. reaction turbine ==> 反动式汽轮机
510. reactive ==> 无功的,电抗的
511. reactive attenuator ==> 电抗衰减器
512. reactive capability ==> 无功容量,无功功率
513. reactive circuit ==> 电抗回路,反馈回路
514. reactive coil ==> 电抗线圈
515. reactive compensation ==> 无功补偿
516. reactive compensation equipment ==> 无功装置
517. reactive component ==> 无功分量
518. reactive current ==> 无功电流
519. reactive current compensation ==> 无功补偿
520. reactive current compensator ==> 无功电流补偿器
521. reactive current meter ==> 无功电流计
522. reactive energy meter ==> 无功电度表
523. reactive etching ==> 反应性腐蚀
524. reactive factor ==> 无功因数
525. reactive factor meter ==> 无功功率因数表
526. reactive gas plasma ==> 活性气体等离子体
527. reactive ground ==> 电抗性接地
528. reactive ion beam ==> 活性离子束
529. reactive ion beam etch ==> 活性离子束腐蚀
530. reactive ion beam oxidation ==> 活性离子束氧化
531. reactive ion etch ==> 活性离子腐蚀
532. reactive ion etch resistance ==> 耐活性离子腐蚀性
533. reactive ion etch system ==> 活性离子腐蚀系统
534. reactive kilovoltampere hour meter ==> 无功电度表
535. reactive kVA ==> 无功千伏安,无功功率
536. reactive line ==> 无功线路,电抗线路
537. reactive load ==> 电抗性负载
538. reactive load surge ==> 无功负载浪涌
539. reactive post ==> 电抗接线端子
540. reactive power ==> 无功功率
541. reactive power (KVAr) ==> 千伏安
542. reactive power absorption ==> 无功功率吸收
543. reactive power capability ==> 无功功率
544. reactive power compensation ==> 无功功率补偿
545. reactive power compensator ==> 无功功率补偿器
546. reactive power control ==> 无效功率控制
547. reactive power loss ==> 无功损耗
548. reactive power measurement ==> 无功功率测量
549. reactive power meter ==> 无功功率表
550. reactive power regulator ==> 无功功率调节器
551. reactive power relay ==> 无功功率继电器
552. reactive power security region ==> 无功功率安全域
553. reactive sputtering ==> 反应溅射法
554. reactive volt ampere ==> 无功伏安,乏
555. reactive volt ampere hour meter ==> 无功电度表
556. reactive volt ampere meter ==> 无功功率表
557. reactivity ==> 反应度
558. reactor ==> 反应器,电抗器
559. reactor containment ==> 反应堆外壳
560. reactor core ==> 反应堆芯
561. reactor lattice ==> 反应堆格子
562. reactor plant ==> 反应堆设备
563. reactor power ==> 反应堆功率
564. reactor scram ==> 反应体紧急停止
565. reactor shut down ==> 反应堆停止运转
566. reactor start motor ==> 电抗线圈起动电动机
567. reactor start up ==> 反应堆起动
568. reactor starting ==> 电抗起动
569. read ==> 读出
570. read back check ==> 返回检查
571. read diode ==> 里德二极管
572. read only memory ==> 只读存储器
573. read only storage ==> 只读存储器
574. read restore cycle ==> 读出恢复周期
575. read write cycle ==> 读写周期
576. reading ==> 读出
577. reading apparatus ==> 读出设备
578. reading circuit ==> 读出电路
579. reading encoder ==> 读出符号器
580. reading head ==> 读头
581. reading laser beam ==> 读出激光束
582. reading station ==> 读数装置
583. readjust ==> 重新调节
584. readjustment ==> 重调
585. readout ==> 读出
586. readout laser ==> 读出激光器
587. readout resistor ==> 读出寄存器
588. ready condition ==> 就写态
589. real axis ==> 实轴
590. real component ==> 实部
591. real component of current ==> (螺旋矢量)电流实部,实际电流
592. real component of instantaneous apparent power ==> 瞬时视在功率实部,瞬时有功功率
593. real component of rms apparent power ==> 视在功率实部,有功功率
594. real component of voltage ==> (螺旋矢量)电压实部,实际电压
595. real diagram ==> 实线图
596. real domain ==> 实域
597. real fluid ==> 实际流体,粘性流体
598. real flux ==> 有效通量
599. real frequency axis ==> 实频率轴
600. real frequency characteristic ==> 实频率特性
601. real function ==> 实函数
602. real gas effect ==> 真实气体效应
603. real heat efficiency ==> 实际热效率
604. real load ==> 有效负荷
605. real number ==> 实数
606. real output ==> 有效输出功率
607. real overshoot ==> 实超调量
608. real part ==> 实部,实数部分,有功分量
609. real-part ==> 同上
610. real part condition ==> 实部条件
611. real power ==> 有效出力,有效功率
612. real power analysis ==> 有效功率分析
613. real quantity ==> 实数
614. real root ==> 实根
615. real-time ==> 实时
616. real-time clock ==> 实际时钟
617. real-time communication ==> 实时通信
618. real-time computation ==> 实时计算
619. real-time computer programming ==> 实时计算机程序
620. real-time control ==> 实时控制
621. real-time data processing ==> 实时数据处理
622. real-time data system ==> 实时数据处理系统
623. real-time detection ==> 实时探测
624. real-time digital governor ==> 实时数字控制
625. real-time digital simulation ==> 实时数字仿真
626. real-time digital simulator ==> 实时数字仿真装置
627. real-time Fourier processing ==> 实时傅里叶变换
628. real-time hologram ==> 实时全息照象
629. real-time imagery ==> 实时成像
630. real-time machine ==> 实时计算机
631. real-time operating system ==> 实时操作系统
632. real-time operation ==> 实时操作
633. real-time processing ==> 实时处理
634. real-time servicing ==> 实时维护,实时服务
635. real-time simulation ==> 实时仿真,实时模拟
636. real-time simulator ==> 实时仿真装置
637. real-time system ==> 实时系统
638. real value ==> 实值
639. real variable ==> 实变量
640. realignment ==> 重对准
641. rear connection ==> 背面接线
642. rear light ==> 后灯
643. rear pass ==> 后烟道
644. rear turbine bearing ==> 透平后轴承
645. rearward face ==> 背弧面,叶片凸面
646. rebecca ==> 机上雷达试别装置
647. rebroadcasting ==> 转播
648. recalibration ==> 重新校准
649. recall ==> 二次呼叫
650. receipt operation ==> 信号交换
651. received current ==> 输入电流
652. receiver ==> 接收机
653. receiver amplifier cryoelectronic system ==> 接收放大低温电子学系统
654. receiver recovery time ==> 接收机恢复时间
655. receiver response time ==> 接收机响应时间
656. receiver transfer characteristic ==> 接收机传输特性
657. receiving aerial ==> 接收机天线
658. receiving antenna ==> 接收机天线
659. receiving end ==> 受电端
660. receiving end voltage ==> 受电端电压
661. receiving perforator ==> 复凿孔机
662. receiving selsyn ==> 自动同步接收机
663. receiving station ==> 收信台
664. receiving terminal station ==> 终端接收站
665. receptacle ==> 插座
666. receptacle pin ==> 插座脚
667. reception ==> 接收
668. reception diagram ==> 接收天线方向图
669. reception level ==> 接收电平
670. recessed lighting fitting ==> 装入照明配件
671. recessed switch ==> 嵌壁开关
672. recharging ==> 再充电
673. reciprocal four terminal network ==> 可逆四端网络
674. reciprocal two port ==> 可逆四端网络
675. reciprocating pump ==> 往复泵
676. reciprocity ==> 互易性
677. reciprocity clause ==> 互惠条款
678. reciprocity failure ==> 反比定律失效
679. reciprocity principle ==> 互易原理
680. reciprocity theorem ==> 互易定理,倒易定理
681. recirculating air damper ==> 再循环空气挡板
682. recirculator ==> 再循环装置
683. reclaimed oil ==> 再生油
684. reclamation ==> 回收
685. reclose ==> 重合闸,再次接通
686. recloser ==> 自动重合开关
687. reclosing ==> 重合,重合闸
688. reclosing fuse ==> 重合溶丝
689. reclosing interval ==> 再投入时间
690. reclosing relay ==> 重合闸继电器
691. reclosing time ==> 再投入时间,重合闸时间
692. reclosure ==> 重合闸
693. recognition ==> 识别
694. recoil ==> 反冲,重绕
695. recoil curve ==> 反冲曲线
696. recoil effect ==> 反冲效应
697. recoil electron ==> 反冲电子
698. recoil line ==> 回复线
699. recoil motion ==> 反冲动作
700. recoil nucleon ==> 反冲核子
701. recoil proton ==> 反冲质子
702. recoil proton ionization chamber ==> 反冲质子电离室
703. recombination ==> 复合
704. recombination center ==> 复合中心
705. recombination center concentration ==> 复合中心浓度
706. recombination coefficient ==> 复合系数
707. recombination current ==> 复合电流
708. recombination laser ==> 复合式激光器
709. recombination level ==> 复合电平
710. recombination lifetime ==> 复合寿命
711. recombination losses ==> 复合损耗
712. recombination luminescence ==> 复合发光
713. recombination radiation ==> 复合辐射
714. recombination rate ==> 复合速度
715. recombination region ==> 复合区
716. recombination velocity ==> 复合速度
717. reconditioning ==> 重调节
718. reconnaissance ==> 勘查
719. reconversion ==> 再转换
720. record changer ==> 自动换片器
721. record rate ==> 写速率
722. record speed ==> 写速率
723. recorded level ==> 记录电平
724. recorder ==> 记录器
725. recorder ammeter ==> 记录式电流表
726. recorder chart ==> 记录纸
727. recorder pen ==> 自动记录器笔
728. recorder scale ==> 记录器标度
729. recorder with linear recording ==> 线性记录器
730. recording ==> 记录
731. recording ammeter ==> 自记安培计
732. recording amplifier ==> 录音放大器记录放大器
733. recording center ==> 录音中心站
734. recording chain ==> 录音通路
735. recording controller ==> 记录调节器
736. recording density ==> 记录密度
737. recording device ==> 记录装置
738. recording frequency meter ==> 记录式频率计
739. recording head ==> 记录头
740. recording instrument ==> 记录器
741. recording lamp ==> 记录灯
742. recording laser ==> 记录激光器
743. recording level indicator ==> 记录电平指示器
744. recording loss ==> 记录损耗
745. recording mechanism ==> 记录机构
746. recording medium ==> 记录媒体
747. recording meter ==> 记录仪
748. recording paper ==> 记录纸
749. recording player ==> 电唱机
750. recording potentiometer ==> 记录式电位计
751. recording tachometer ==> 转速记录器
752. recording tape ==> 记录带
753. recording telegraph ==> 印码电报机
754. recording thermometer ==> 自记式温度计
755. recording time constant ==> 记录时间常数
756. recording voltmeter ==> 记录伏特计
757. recording wattmeter ==> 记录瓦特计
758. recording Wheatstone bridge ==> 记录式惠斯登电桥
759. recover time ==> 恢复时间
760. recovery ==> 恢复
761. recovery impedance ==> 恢复阻抗
762. recovery temperature ==> 恢复温度
763. recovery time ==> 恢复时间,愎复时间
764. recovery voltage ==> 恢复电压
765. recrystallization ==> 再结晶
766. recrystallization annealing ==> 再结晶退火
767. recrystallization centre ==> 再结晶中心
768. recrystallization nucleus ==> 再结晶核
769. recrystallization temperature ==> 再结晶温度
770. recrystallization texture ==> 再结晶组织
771. recrystrallized junction ==> 再结晶结
772. rectangular coordinate system ==> 直角坐标系统
773. rectangular copper wire ==> 扁铜线
774. rectangular core ==> 矩形铁芯
775. rectangular loop ferrite ==> 矩形磁滞环铁氧体
776. rectangular pulse ==> 矩形脉冲
777. rectangular scanning ==> 矩形扫描
778. rectangular wave ==> 矩形波
779. rectangular waveguide ==> 矩形波导
780. rectification ==> 整流
781. rectification efficiency ==> 整璃率
782. rectification factor ==> 整流系数
783. rectified current ==> 已整电流
784. rectified voltage ==> 整流电压
785. rectifier ==> 传感器,整流,整流器(RF)
786. rectifier anode ==> 整流管阳极
787. rectifier assembly ==> 整流器装配
788. rectifier bridge ==> 整流器电桥,整流桥
789. rectifier bridge comparator ==> 整流电桥式比较器
790. rectifier bridge relay ==> 整流电桥式继电器
791. rectifier cathode ==> 整流管阴极
792. rectifier characteristic ==> 整流器特性
793. rectifier circuit ==> 整流器电路,整流线路
794. rectifier conduction time ==> 整流管导电时间
795. rectifier diode ==> 整流二极管
796. rectifier doubler ==> 倍压整流器
797. rectifier driven motor ==> 整流器供电的电动机
798. rectifier efficiency ==> 整流器效率
799. rectifier electric locomotive ==> 整流电力机车
800. rectifier equipment ==> 整流装置,整流器设备,整流阀设备
801. rectifier excitation ==> 整流励磁
802. rectifier filter ==> 整流器滤波器,平滑滤波器
803. rectifier instrument ==> 整流仪表
804. rectifier lamp ==> 整流管
805. rectifier load ==> 整流器负载
806. rectifier operation ==> 整流器运行
807. rectifier operations ==> 整流运行方式
808. rectifier phase comparator ==> 整流型相位比较器
809. rectifier photocell ==> 整流光电管,整流光电池
810. rectifier photoelectric cell ==> 整流光电管
811. rectifier plate ==> 整流器片
812. rectifier protection ==> 整流器保护
813. rectifier relay ==> 整流器继电器
814. rectifier ripple factor ==> 整流脉动系数,整流波纹系数
815. rectifier stack ==> 整流器组
816. rectifier stage ==> 整流级
817. rectifier station ==> 整流站
818. rectifier substation ==> 整流变电站
819. rectifier tank ==> 整流槽
820. rectifier thyristor ==> 整流器闸流管
821. rectifier transformer ==> 整流器变压器
822. rectifier tube ==> 整流管
823. rectifier type differential relay ==> 整流式差动继电器
824. rectifier type distance relay ==> 整流式距离继电器
825. rectifier type meter ==> 整流式仪表
826. rectifier unit ==> 整流机组,整流设备,整流器组件
827. rectifier welding set ==> 整流焊机
828. rectify ==> 整流
829. rectifying action ==> 整流作用
830. rectifying barrier ==> 整流壁垒
831. rectifying circuit ==> 整流电路
832. rectifying contact ==> 整流触
833. rectifying diode ==> 整流二极管
834. rectifying installation ==> 整流设备
835. rectifying interval ==> 整流周期
836. rectifying junction ==> 整流结
837. rectifying tube ==> 整流管
838. rectilinear scanning ==> 直线扫描
839. recuperated energy ==> 回收能量
840. recuperation ==> 再生
841. recurrent pulses ==> 周期脉冲
842. recursive algorithm ==> 递归算法
843. recycle ==> 再循环
844. recycling ==> 再循环
845. red adder ==> 红色加法器
846. red beam ==> 红色电子束
847. red convergence circuit ==> 红会聚电路
848. red electron gun ==> 红色电子枪
849. red gain control ==> 红色增益调节器
850. red heat ==> 赤热
851. red light laser ==> 红色激光器
852. red primary ==> 红基色
853. red primary signal ==> 红基色信号
854. red raster ==> 红色光栅
855. red restoration ==> 红色电平恢复
856. redistribution ==> 重新分配
857. redox reaction ==> 氧化还原反应
858. reduced admittance ==> 归一化导纳
859. reduced capacity ==> 降低容量
860. reduced current ==> 折算电流
861. reduced equation ==> 简化方程,对比方程
862. reduced group ==> 缩减能群
863. reduced impedance ==> 归一化阻抗,标准化阻抗
864. reduced mask printing ==> 缩小掩模曝光
865. reduced model ==> 简化模型
866. reduced momentum of a particle ==> 换算粒子动量
867. reduced output ==> 减低出力
868. reduced pressure chemical vapor deposition ==> 减压化学汽相淀积
869. reduced pressure epitaxy ==> 减压外延
870. reduced resistance ==> 折算电阻
871. reduced temperature epitaxy ==> 低温外延
872. reduced velocity of a particle ==> 换算粒子速度
873. reduced voltage ==> 折算电压
874. reduced voltage starting ==> 降压起动
875. reducer ==> 还原剂
876. reducing agent ==> 还原剂
877. reducing ambinent ==> 还原性气氛
878. reducing atmosphere ==> 还原性气氛
879. reducing electron beam projection system ==> 缩小式电子束投影系统
880. reducing resistance ==> 减压电阻
881. reduction ==> 减少,还原,缩减,约简
882. reduction agent ==> 还原剂,脱氧剂
883. reduction aligner ==> 收缩式投影曝光装置
884. reduction camera ==> 缩小摄像机
885. reduction furnace ==> 还原炉
886. reduction gear ==> 减速齿轮
887. reduction of linewidth ==> 线宽收缩
888. reduction of noise ==> 减噪
889. reduction reaction ==> 还原反应
890. reduction step ==> 图像缩小工序
891. reduction technique ==> 图像缩小技术
892. redundance code ==> 冗余码
893. redundancy ==> 冗余,冗余度
894. redundancy configuration ==> 冗余配置
895. redundancy of information ==> 信息冗余度
896. redundancy rate ==> 冗余度
897. redundant ==> 冗余
898. redundant code ==> 冗余码,多余电码
899. redundant element ==> 冗余元件
900. redundant integrated circuit ==> 备用集成电路
901. reed ==> 簧片,舌簧
902. reed blade ==> 舌簧叶片
903. reed capsule ==> 簧片膜盒
904. reed contact ==> 簧片触点,舌簧触点
905. reed frequency meter ==> 振簧式频率计
906. reed relay ==> 笛簧继电器
907. reed switch ==> 舌簧开关,舌簧触点
908. reed value ==> 簧片阀,针阀
909. reel ==> 绕线架
910. reel insulator wiring ==> 瓷瓶布线
911. reel length ==> 制缆绳长度
912. reenterable program ==> 可重入程序
913. reentrant program ==> 可重入程序
914. reference ==> 参考,基准电压源
915. reference axis ==> 基准轴
916. reference bit ==> 参考位
917. reference black level ==> 黑色信号基准电平
918. reference book ==> 参考电位
919. reference circuit ==> 参考电路
920. reference color ==> 参考色
921. reference conditions ==> 标准条件
922. reference current ==> 参考电流
923. reference diode ==> 恒压二极管
924. reference edge ==> 基准边
925. reference electrode ==> 参考电极
926. reference equivalent ==> 参考等效值
927. reference frequency ==> 参考频率,基准频率
928. reference generator ==> 标准信号发生器
929. reference impluse ==> 基准脉冲
930. reference input ==> 基准输入
931. reference instrument ==> 标准仪表
932. reference level ==> 参考电平,基准电平
933. reference line ==> 参考线,基线
934. reference mark ==> 参考标记,基准标记
935. reference noise ==> 基准噪声
936. reference oscillator ==> 基准振荡器
937. reference phase ==> 参考相位,基准相位
938. reference pilot ==> 参考导频
939. reference point ==> 参考点,基准点
940. reference potential ==> 基准势
941. reference power supply ==> 基准电源
942. reference recording medium ==> 基准记录介质
943. reference signal ==> 参考信号
944. reference standard ==> 参考标准,比照标准
945. reference subcarrier ==> 基准副载波
946. reference temperature ==> 基准温度
947. reference value ==> 参考值,标准值
948. reference voltage ==> 基准势,基准电压
949. reference voltage source ==> 基准电压源
950. reference wave ==> 基准波,参考波
951. reference white level ==> 白信号标准电平
952. refill ==> 填充
953. refiltered oil ==> 再生油
954. refinement ==> 精炼
955. refiner ==> 精制机
956. reflectance ==> 反射系数
957. reflected binary code ==> 反射二进码,格雷编码
958. reflected light ==> 反射光
959. reflected light holography ==> 反射光全息照相术
960. reflected power ==> 反射功率
961. reflected wave ==> 反射波
962. reflecting capacity ==> 反射能力
963. reflecting filter ==> 反射式滤波器
964. reflecting galvanometer ==> 反射检疗
965. reflecting layer ==> 反射层
966. reflecting mirror ==> 反射镜
967. reflection ==> 反射
968. reflection coefficient ==> 反射系数
969. reflection electrode ==> 反射极
970. reflection factor ==> 反射系数
971. reflection loss ==> 反射损耗
972. reflection loss of light ==> 光反射损耗
973. reflection phase shifter ==> 反射式移相器
974. reflection type circulator ==> 反射式环行器
975. reflection type polarizer ==> 反射式偏振器
976. reflectionless filter ==> 无反射滤波器
977. reflectionless transition ==> 无反射跃迁
978. reflective photocathode ==> 反射式光电阴极
979. reflectivity ==> 反射能力
980. reflectometer ==> 反射计
981. reflector ==> 反射器,反射极
982. reflector control ==> 反射体控制
983. reflector lamp ==> 反射灯
984. reflector space ==> 反射空间
985. reflex amplification ==> 来复放大
986. reflex circuit ==> 来复电路
987. reflex klystron ==> 反射速调管
988. reflexionless connection ==> 无反射连接
989. reflow soldering ==> 回流焊接
990. reflowed step ==> 回流程序
991. refracted light ==> 折射光
992. refracted wave ==> 折射波
993. refracting medium ==> 折射媒质
994. refraction ==> 折射
995. refraction loss ==> 折射损耗
996. refraction of rays ==> 光折射
997. refractive index ==> 折射率
998. refractive index inhomogeneity ==> 折射率不均匀性
999. refractive index modulation ==> 折射率调制
1000. refractive index profile ==> 折射率分布图
1001. refractometer ==> 折射计
1002. refractory mask ==> 耐热掩模
1003. refractory material ==> 耐热材料
1004. refractory metal gate ==> 耐熔金属栅
1005. refractory metal paste ==> 耐熔金属膏
1006. refractory metallization ==> 耐熔金属化
1007. refractory mos ==> 耐熔金属氧化物半导体
1008. refresh ==> 再生
1009. refresh cycle ==> 恢复周期
1010. refresh signal ==> 再生信号
1011. refreshing circuit ==> 再生电路
1012. refrigerator ==> 冷冻机
1013. refrigerator set ==> 冷冻装置
1014. refringence ==> 折射
1015. regenerated fuel ==> 再生燃料
1016. regeneration ==> 再生
1017. regeneration circuit ==> 再生电路
1018. regeneration rate ==> 再生率
1019. regenerative ==> 再生放大
1020. regenerative amplification ==> 再生放大
1021. regenerative amplifier ==> 再生放大器
1022. regenerative braking ==> 再生制动
1023. regenerative circuit ==> 再生电路
1024. regenerative control ==> 再生控制
1025. regenerative detector ==> 再生式检波器
1026. regenerative feedback ==> 正反馈
1027. regenerative loop ==> 再生环路
1028. regenerative pulse generator ==> 脉冲再生发生器
1029. regenerative repeater ==> 再生中继器
1030. regenerative storage ==> 再生存储器
1031. regenerator ==> 再生器
1032. region ==> 区,区域,范围
1033. region of admissible deviations ==> 容许偏差区域
1034. region of non operation ==> 不动作范围
1035. region of operation ==> 动作范围
1036. regional reliability council ==> One of ten Electric Reliability Councils that form the North American Electric Reliability Council(NERC).(美国)
1037. register ==> 寄存器,计数器寄存器,计量器
1038. register button ==> 寄存按钮
1039. register capacity ==> 寄存容量
1040. register constant ==> 计量常数
1041. register driver ==> 寄存驱动器
1042. register finder ==> 寄存选择器
1043. register key ==> 寄存按钮
1044. register length ==> 寄存皮度
1045. register reading ==> 计数屏数
1046. registered layers ==> 迭置层
1047. registering instrument ==> 记录器
1048. registration ==> 重合
1049. registration accuracy ==> 对准精度
1050. registration mark ==> 对准标记
1051. registration precision ==> 对准精度
1052. registration tolerance ==> 重合公差
1053. regression analysis ==> 回归分析
1054. regression coefficient ==> 回归系数
1055. regression line ==> 回归线
1056. regressive wave ==> 反向波
1057. regrowth ==> 再生长
1058. regular error ==> 系统错误
1059. regular layout ==> 有规则布局图
1060. regular logic ==> 正规逻辑
1061. regular pattern ==> 正规图样
1062. regular reflection ==> 规则反射
1063. regularity ==> 规则性
1064. regulated power supply ==> 稳定电源
1065. regulated stream flow ==> 调节量
1066. regulated unit ==> 调节装置
1067. regulated value ==> 调节值
1068. regulating ==> 调节的
1069. regulating characteristic ==> 调节特性
1070. regulating coil ==> 调节线圈
1071. regulating pondage ==> 调节池
1072. regulating relay ==> 调节继电器
1073. regulating rod ==> 微调节杆
1074. regulating transformer ==> 调节变压器
1075. regulating unit ==> 调节装置
1076. regulating valve ==> 调节阀
1077. regulating winding ==> 调节绕组
1078. regulation ==> 调节
1079. regulations ==> Rules issued by regulatory authorities to implement laws passed by legislative bodies.
1080. regulator ==> 调节器
1081. regulator call ==> 末端电池
1082. regulator deadband ==> 调整死区
1083. regulator supply ==> 调整电源
1084. reheater ==> 再热器
1085. reignition of arc ==> 再起弧
1086. reinforced concrete pole ==> 钢筋混凝土杆
1087. reinforced insulation ==> 加强绝缘
1088. reinforcement ==> 加强,放大
1089. reject chip marking ==> 废片打标
1090. rejection ==> 抑制
1091. rejection band ==> 拒斥频带
1092. rejection filter ==> 带阻滤波器
1093. rejection ratio ==> 衰减率
1094. rejector ==> 带阻滤波器
1095. rejector circuit ==> 带除滤波电路
1096. relation character ==> 比较符字
1097. relational operator ==> 关系算子
1098. relative ==> 相对的
1099. relative address ==> 相对地址
1100. relative bearing ==> 相对方差
1101. relative damping coefficient ==> 相对衰减系数
1102. relative delay ==> 相对延迟
1103. relative dielectric constant ==> 相对介电常数
1104. relative electric susceptibility ==> 相对电极化率
1105. relative error ==> 相对误差
1106. relative growth rate ==> 相对生长速度
1107. relative humidity ==> 相对湿度
1108. relative level ==> 相对电平
1109. relative measurement ==> 比较测量
1110. relative permeability ==> 空间磁导率
1111. relative permittivity ==> 相对介电常数
1112. relative plateau slope ==> 相对稳定区斜率
1113. relative pressure ==> 相对压力
1114. relative programming ==> 相对程序设计
1115. relative refractive index ==> 相对析射率
1116. relative sensitivity ==> 相对灵敏度
1117. relative slip ==> 相对滑动
1118. relative speed variation ==> 转速变化率
1119. relative time delay ==> 相对延时
1120. relative viscosity ==> 相对粘度
1121. relative voltage regulation ==> 电压调节率
1122. relativistic mass ==> 相对论性质量
1123. relativistic particle ==> 相对论性粒子
1124. relativistic velocity ==> 相对论性速度
1125. relativity ==> 相对性
1126. relaxation ==> 张弛
1127. relaxation circuit ==> 张弛电路
1128. relaxation effect ==> 张弛效应
1129. relaxation function ==> 松弛函数
1130. relaxation generator ==> 张弛震荡器
1131. relaxation inverter ==> 张弛逆变器
1132. relaxation length ==> 阻尼长度,张弛长度
1133. relaxation method ==> 张弛法,松弛法,逐次近似法
1134. relaxation model ==> 松弛模型
1135. relaxation oscillations ==> 张弛振荡
1136. relaxation oscillator ==> 张弛振荡器
1137. relaxation phenomenon ==> 张弛现象
1138. relaxation time ==> 张弛时间
1139. relaxation transition ==> 张弛过渡
1140. relaxed registration ==> 不严格对准
1141. relaxed registration photolithography ==> 不严格对准光刻
1142. relay ==> 中继,继电器
1143. relay act trip ==> 继电器操动跳闸
1144. relay actuation time ==> 继电器动作时间
1145. relay actuator ==> 继电器操动机构
1146. relay adjustment ==> 继电器调节
1147. relay air gap ==> 继电器气隙
1148. relay alarm ==> 继电器报警
1149. relay amplifier ==> 中继放大器,继电器的放大器
1150. relay antifreeze pin ==> 继电器防沾螺栓
1151. relay armature ==> 继电器衔铁
1152. relay armature bounce ==> 继电器衔铁反跳
1153. relay armature card ==> 继电器衔铁与弹簧间联系部件
1154. relay armature contact ==> 继电器衔铁触点
1155. relay armature gap ==> 继电器衔铁气隙
1156. relay armature hesitation ==> 继电器衔铁瞬时延迟
1157. relay armature lifter ==> 继电器衔铁升降杆
1158. relay armature overtravel ==> 继电器衔铁超行程,继电器衔铁行程过调
1159. relay armature ratio ==> 继电器衔铁行程比
1160. relay armature stop ==> 继电器衔铁止档
1161. relay armature stud ==> 继电器衔铁动作栓,继电器衔铁嵌钉
1162. relay armature travel ==> 继电器衔铁行程
1163. relay assembly ==> 继电器组合,继电器组件
1164. relay back up ==> 继电器后备保护
1165. relay backstop ==> 继电器止档
1166. relay backup ==> 继电器备用件
1167. relay bank ==> 继电器组
1168. relay bell ==> 继电器铃
1169. relay bias ==> 继电器偏磁,继电器偏置
1170. relay bias winding ==> 继电器偏压线圈
1171. relay blade ==> 继电器触头片
1172. relay board ==> 继电器盘,继电器屏
1173. relay box ==> 继电器箱
1174. relay bracer spring ==> 继电器支持弹簧
1175. relay bridging ==> 继电器桥接,继电器内部桥接
1176. relay broadcast ==> 无线电转播
1177. relay broadcast station ==> 广播转播电台
1178. relay brush ==> 继电器弧刷
1179. relay bunching time ==> 继电器触点成组接触时间,继电器触点群接触时间
1180. relay cabinet ==> 继电器箱
1181. relay channel ==> 转播信号通道
1182. relay chatter time ==> 继电器震颤时间
1183. relay chest ==> 继电器箱
1184. relay choke ==> 继电器抗流圈
1185. relay circuit ==> 继电器电路
1186. relay clock ==> 继电器钟
1187. relay coil ==> 继电器线圈
1188. relay coil dissipation ==> 继电器线圈耗散,继电器线圈损耗
1189. relay coil resistance ==> 继电器线圈电阻
1190. relay coil serving ==> 继电器线圈覆盖层,继电器线圈外皮
1191. relay coil terminal ==> 继电器线圈接线端子
1192. relay coil tube ==> 继电器线圈管
1193. relay comb ==> 继电器定位梳状绝缘架
1194. relay comparator ==> 继电线比较仪
1195. relay connection ==> 继电器连接
1196. relay contact ==> 继电器触点
1197. relay contact arrangement ==> 继电器触点组合方式
1198. relay contact chatter ==> 继电器触点震颤
1199. relay contact combination ==> 继电器触点组合
1200. relay contact follow ==> 继电器触点随动
1201. relay contact gauging ==> 继电器触点间距调测
1202. relay contact network ==> 继电器触点网络
1203. relay contact pole ==> 继电器触点杆
1204. relay contact separation ==> 继电器触点间隔
1205. relay contact welder ==> 继电器接点焊机
1206. relay contact wipe ==> 继电器触点滑接
1207. relay contactor ==> 继电器接触器
1208. relay contactor control ==> 继电器接触点控制
1209. relay control ==> 继电器控制
1210. relay control system ==> 继电保护控制系统,继电器控制系统
1211. relay coordination ==> 保护配合整定
1212. relay core ==> 继电器铁芯
1213. relay cover ==> 继电器罩
1214. relay critical voltage ==> 继电器临界电压
1215. relay cycle timer ==> 继电器循环定时器
1216. relay damping ring ==> 继电器阻尼环
1217. relay driver ==> 继电器驱动器,继电器励磁装置
1218. relay driving spring ==> 继电器驱动弹簧
1219. relay drop ==> 继电器吊牌
1220. relay dropout ==> 继电器释放
1221. relay duty cycle ==> 继电器工作循环,继电器工作周期
1222. relay electric bias ==> 继电器衔铁电偏移
1223. relay electromagnet ==> 继电器电磁铁
1224. relay electronic system interface ==> 继电器电子装置接口
1225. relay element ==> 继电器元件
1226. relay end voltage ==> 继电器端电压
1227. relay excitation ==> 继电器励磁
1228. relay finish lead ==> 继电器外引线
1229. relay flutter ==> 继电器颤动
1230. relay frame ==> 继电器框架,继电器座子
1231. relay friction effect ==> 继电器摩擦效应
1232. relay fritting ==> 继电器触点溶合
1233. relay front contact ==> 继电器前触点
1234. relay functioning time ==> 继电器动作时间
1235. relay governor ==> 继电器调节器
1236. relay group ==> 继电器群,继电器组
1237. relay header ==> 继电器底座
1238. relay heater ==> 继电器发热器
1239. relay heel piece ==> 继电器衔铁芯跟部随动片
1240. relay hinge ==> 继电器活动关节
1241. relay hold ==> 继电器吸持
1242. relay housing ==> 继电器壳,继电器外壳,继电器罩,继电器室
1243. relay hum ==> 继电器哼声
1244. relay inside leads ==> 继电器内部引线
1245. relay interface circuit ==> 继电器接口电路
1246. relay interface module ==> 继电器接口模块
1247. relay interlocking ==> 继电器连锁
1248. relay interrupter ==> 继电器式断续器
1249. relay inverse time ==> 继电器反时限
1250. relay just operate value ==> 继电器操作功能值
1251. relay just release value ==> 继电器始动释放值,继电器释放功能值
1252. relay leakage flux ==> 继电器漏磁通
1253. relay level ==> 继电器扫帚平面
1254. relay lever bushing ==> 继电器杆衬套
1255. relay load curves ==> 继电器负载曲线
1256. relay logic ==> 继电器逻辑
1257. relay logic unit ==> 继电器逻辑元件
1258. relay magnet ==> 继电器磁铁
1259. relay magnetic bias ==> 继电器磁偏
1260. relay magnetic gap ==> 继电器磁隙
1261. relay master clock ==> 继电器式母钟
1262. relay matrix ==> 继电器矩阵
1263. relay mechanical bias ==> 继电器机械偏移
1264. relay mounting plane ==> 继电器安装平面
1265. relay must operate value ==> 继电器保证起动值,继电器规定操作值
1266. relay must release value ==> 继电器保证释放值,继电器规定释放值
1267. relay network system ==> 继电器网络系统
1268. relay non freeze pin ==> 继电器非沾螺栓
1269. relay non operate value ==> 继电器规定停止值,继电器未动作值
1270. relay operate time characteristic ==> 继电器工作时间特性曲线
1271. relay operated accumulator ==> 继电器操作的累加器
1272. relay operated controller ==> 继电器操作的控制器
1273. relay operating frequency ==> 继电器工作频率
1274. relay operating time ==> 继电器动作时间,继电器吸合时间
1275. relay outside lead ==> 继电器线圈外端引线
1276. relay overrun ==> 继电器超限运行
1277. relay panel ==> 继电器盘
1278. relay pickup value ==> 继电器始动值
1279. relay plugboard ==> 继电器插座板
1280. relay pneumatic bellows ==> 继电器气动波纹箱,继电器气动伸缩膜盒
1281. relay point ==> 中继站
1282. relay pole changer ==> 继电器式换极器
1283. relay pole face ==> 继电器极面
1284. relay pole piece ==> 继电器磁极
1285. relay protection ==> 继电保护
1286. relay pull curve ==> 继电器吸引力位移曲线
1287. relay pull in value ==> 继电器规定操作值,继电器牵入操作值
1288. relay rack ==> 继电器架
1289. relay rating ==> 继电器额定工作值
1290. relay recovery time ==> 继电器复原时间
1291. relay reoperate time ==> 继电器重复操作时间,继电器再动作时间
1292. relay restoring spring ==> 继电器复位弹簧
1293. relay retractile spring ==> 继电器回缩弹簧
1294. relay retractive spring ==> 继电器复原弹簧
1295. relay return spring ==> 继电器回复弹簧
1296. relay saturation ==> 继电器饱和,继电器磁饱和
1297. relay seating ==> 继电器磁性定位,继电器衔铁入位
1298. relay seating time ==> 继电器入位时间
1299. relay servomechanism ==> 继电器式伺服机构
1300. relay set ==> 继电器组
1301. relay setting ==> 继电器整定,继电器整定值
1302. relay shield ==> 继电器屏蔽
1303. relay sleeve ==> 继电器铁芯套管
1304. relay slug ==> 继电器的延时套管,继电器缓动套
1305. relay socket ==> 继电器插座
1306. relay spool ==> 继电器绕线轴,继电器线圈架
1307. relay spring ==> 继电器弹簧
1308. relay spring buffer ==> 继电器弹簧缓冲器
1309. relay spring curve ==> 继电器弹簧曲线
1310. relay spring stop ==> 继电器弹簧制动杆
1311. relay spring stud ==> 继电器弹簧传动柱
1312. relay stack ==> 继电器部件堆积组装,继电器触点组合
1313. relay stagger time ==> 继电器参差时间,继电器不同触点组起动时差
1314. relay starter ==> 继电器起动装置
1315. relay starting switch ==> 继电器起动开关
1316. relay static characteristic ==> 继电器静态特性
1317. relay station ==> 中继站
1318. relay storage ==> 继电器存储器
1319. relay suppression unit ==> 继电器抑制装置
1320. relay switch ==> 继电式断续器,继电器开关
1321. relay switchboard ==> 继电器盘,继电器屏
1322. relay switching circuit ==> 继电器开关电路
1323. relay system ==> 继电保护系统
1324. relay telemetering system ==> 继电式遥测系统
1325. relay television ==> 中继电视
1326. relay test ==> 继电器试验
1327. relay test chart ==> 继电器测试图表
1328. relay test set ==> 继电器测试设备
1329. relay tester ==> 继电器测试器
1330. relay timing ==> 继电器定时,继电器时延
1331. relay transfer contacts ==> 继电器转换触点
1332. relay transfer time ==> 继电器触点转接时间,继电器转接时间
1333. relay transmitter ==> 中继发射机
1334. relay tree circuit ==> 继电器树枝状电路
1335. relay type ==> 继电器式
1336. relay type automatic telephone switchboard ==> 继电器式自动交换机
1337. relay valve ==> 继动阀,减压阀
1338. relay winding ==> 继电器线圈
1339. relay yoke ==> 继电器轭
1340. relaying current transformer ==> 继电器用变流器,继电器用电流互感器
1341. relaying voltage transformer ==> 继电器用电压互感器
1342. relaymeter ==> 继电器表
1343. release ==> 释放
1344. release current ==> 释放电流
1345. release free ==> 自由释放
1346. release lag ==> 释放延迟
1347. release magnet ==> 释放电磁铁
1348. release relay ==> 复旧继电器
1349. releaser ==> 释放器
1350. releasing ==> 释放
1351. releasing current ==> 释放电流
1352. releasing of relay ==> 继电器释放
1353. releasing time ==> 释放时间
1354. reliability ==> 可靠度,可靠性
1355. reliability coordinator ==> 可靠性协调者
1356. reliability engineering ==> 可靠性工程
1357. reliability estimate ==> 可靠性鉴定
1358. reliability evaluation ==> 可靠性鉴定
1359. reliability fundamentals ==> 可靠性理论
1360. reliability index ==> 可靠性指数,可靠性指标
1361. reliability index system ==> 可靠性指标系统
1362. reliability of distribution network ==> 配电网可靠性
1363. reliability of transmission ==> 传送可靠性
1364. reliability prediction ==> 可靠性预计
1365. reliability test ==> 可靠性测试,可靠性试验
1366. reliable valves ==> 可靠电子管
1367. relief ==> 起伏
1368. relief valve ==> 安全阀
1369. relocatable address ==> 可再定位地址
1370. reluctance ==> 磁阻
1371. reluctance generator ==> 磁阻发电机
1372. reluctance motor ==> 磁阻电动机
1373. reluctance step motor ==> 磁阻步进电动机
1374. reluctance synchronizing ==> 磁阻同步
1375. reluctivity ==> 磁阻率
1376. remanence ==> 剩磁
1377. remanent flux density ==> 剩余磁通密度
1378. remanent magnetism ==> 剩磁
1379. remanent magnetization ==> 剩余磁化强度
1380. remelt junction ==> 再结晶结
1381. remote access ==> 远程存取
1382. remote adjustment ==> 遥控,远程调整
1383. remote aftereffect ==> (辐射损伤的)远期后效(应)
1384. remote alarm ==> 遥警
1385. remote control ==> 遥控
1386. remote control module ==> 遥控组件
1387. remote cut off tube ==> 遥截止管
1388. remote data processing ==> 远程数据处理
1389. remote handling device ==> 远距离操作装置
1390. remote handling equipment ==> 远距离操作设备
1391. remote indicating instrument ==> 远距离指示仪表
1392. remote indication ==> 远距离指示
1393. remote indication device ==> 远距离指示装置
1394. remote indicator ==> 远距离指示仪表,遥示器
1395. remote manipulation ==> 远程操作
1396. remote measurement ==> 遥测
1397. remote measuring ==> 遥测
1398. remote measuring equipment ==> 遥测装置
1399. remote metering ==> 遥测
1400. remote monitor ==> 遥控监视器
1401. remote operated substation ==> 遥控变电所
1402. remote operation ==> 远距离操作
1403. remote reading ==> 远距离读数,远程读数的
1404. remote reading gauge ==> 遥测仪表
1405. remote reading tachometer ==> 遥读转速计
1406. remote reading tank gauge ==> 远距离液位计
1407. remote recorder ==> 远距离记录器
1408. remote sampling ==> 远距离取样
1409. remote starting ==> 遥控起动
1410. remote supervisory controlling equipment ==> 远程监控设备
1411. remote supervisory equipment ==> 远距离监视设备
1412. remote switch ==> 遥控开关
1413. remote switching ==> 遥控开闭操作
1414. remote terminal ==> 远方终端
1415. remote terminal support ==> 远方终端辅助设备
1416. remote terminal unit ==> 远方终端单元
1417. remote transmission ==> 远距离传送,远距离传输
1418. remote trip control ==> 远动跳闸系统
1419. remote tuning ==> 遥远整定
1420. remote underwater manipulator ==> 遥控水下机械
1421. remotely controlled station ==> 遥控站
1422. removal ==> 除去
1423. removal of oxygen ==> 除氧
1424. removal of silica ==> 除硅
1425. removal of sulfur ==> 脱硫
1426. renew the agreement on expiry ==> 协议期满后到期续订
1427. renewable ==> 可换的,可更新的
1428. renewable contract ==> 可续展的合同
1429. renewable energy resources ==> 可再生能源
1430. renewable fuse ==> 可换式熔断器
1431. renewable part ==> 更换部分,更换部件
1432. renewal ==> 再生,更新
1433. renormalizability ==> 可重正化,可再归一化
1434. reox ==> 氧化物反向腐蚀
1435. reoxidation ==> 再氧化
1436. repair ==> 修理
1437. repair and maintenance ==> 修理和维护
1438. repair capability ==> 修理能力
1439. repair cost ==> 修理费
1440. repair cycle ==> 检修周期
1441. repair delay time ==> 修理等待时间
1442. repair expense ==> 修理费
1443. repair order ==> 修理通知单
1444. repair part ==> 备件,备品
1445. repair shop ==> 修配车间
1446. repair sleeve ==> 补修管
1447. repairability ==> 可修性
1448. repeat ==> 中继
1449. repeat analysis ==> 重复分析
1450. repeat circuit ==> 中继电路
1451. repeat cycle timer ==> 重复周期计时器
1452. repeatability ==> 可重复性
1453. repeated action ==> 多次重复作用
1454. repeated addition ==> 重复相加
1455. repeated call ==> 重复呼叫
1456. repeated cycle ==> 重复周期
1457. repeated-flow turbine ==> 回流式汽轮机
1458. repeated impact test ==> 重复冲击试验
1459. repeated load ==> 重复负载
1460. repeated loading ==> 循环负载
1461. repeated reflection ==> 重复反射
1462. repeated start ==> 重复启动
1463. repeated strain ==> 疲劳应变
1464. repeated stress ==> 重复应力
1465. repeated stress failure ==> 疲劳失效
1466. repeated torsion test ==> 扭转疲劳试验
1467. repeater ==> 步进重复照相机,中继器
1468. repeater bay ==> 增音板
1469. repeater gain ==> 增音增益
1470. repeater rack ==> 增音架
1471. repeater satellite ==> 中继卫星
1472. repeater station ==> 增音站
1473. repeater transmitter ==> 中继发射机
1474. repeating coil ==> 转电线圈
1475. repeating installation ==> 帮电装置
1476. repeller ==> 反射极
1477. reperforator ==> 复凿孔机
1478. repetency ==> 波率
1479. repetition computer ==> 重复计算机
1480. repetition instruction ==> 重复指令
1481. repetition interval ==> 重复周期
1482. repetition peak reverse voltage ==> 反向峰值重复电压
1483. repetition period ==> 重复周期
1484. repetition rate ==> 重复频率
1485. repetition routine ==> 重复程序
1486. repetition type analog computer ==> 重复型模拟计算机
1487. repetitions patterns ==> 重复图样
1488. repetitive operation ==> 重复操作
1489. repetitive patterns ==> 重复图样
1490. repetitive power reactor ==> 系列动力堆
1491. repetitive process ==> 迭代法
1492. repetitive pulse ==> 重复脉冲
1493. replacement ==> 更换
1494. replacement parts ==> 备件,替换零件,更换用的零件
1495. replacement postponement ==> 推迟更换
1496. replica ==> 复制品
1497. replicated image ==> 复制图象
1498. replication ==> 复制
1499. report form mode ==> 上报模式
1500. report transmission ==> 通报传输
1501. reproducibility ==> 可重复性
1502. reproducing ==> 再生
1503. reproducing amplifier ==> 再生放大器
1504. reproducing channel ==> 重放通路
1505. reproducing channel amplitude frequency response ==> 重放通路振幅频率响应特性
1506. reproducing device ==> 重放设备
1507. reproducing head ==> 重放磁头
1508. reproducing loss ==> 复制损耗
1509. reproducing stylus tip ==> 唱针
1510. reproduction ==> 再现,再生
1511. reproduction formula ==> 再生公式
1512. reproduction quality ==> 重放质量
1513. reprogrammable memory ==> 可改编程序存储器
1514. reprogrammable rom ==> 可改编程序只读存储器
1515. reprom ==> 可改编程序只读存储器
1516. repulsion ==> 推斥
1517. repulsion induction motor ==> 推斥感应电动机
1518. repulsion motor ==> 推斥式电动机
1519. repulsion motor with double set of brushes ==> 具两组电刷推斥电动机
1520. repulsion start induction motor ==> 推斥起动感应电动机
1521. repulsive force ==> 排斥力
1522. request signal ==> 请求信号
1523. reradiation ==> 再辐射
1524. rering signal ==> 重复呼叫
1525. rerun ==> 重新运行
1526. rerun point ==> 重复运行点
1527. rerun routine ==> 重复运行程序
1528. rescap ==> 阻容组件
1529. research reactor ==> 研究堆
1530. reseda ==> 浅绿
1531. resel ==> 分解元件
1532. reserve ==> 预备
1533. reserve bars ==> 备用母线
1534. reserve capacity ==> 备用容量
1535. reserve equipment ==> 备用设备
1536. reserve power ==> 备用功率
1537. reserve power station ==> 备用发电厂
1538. reserve protection ==> 后备保护
1539. reserved word ==> 关键词
1540. reservoir ==> 贮水池
1541. reservoir capacity ==> 贮水量
1542. reservoir type power plant ==> 蓄水式水电厂
1543. reset ==> 复位,复归
1544. reset condition ==> 清除条件
1545. reset control ==> 积分控制
1546. reset instruction ==> 复位指令
1547. reset pulse ==> 复原脉冲
1548. reset set flip flop ==> rs触发器
1549. reset time ==> 积分时间
1550. resetting ==> 复归
1551. resetting device ==> 复归机构
1552. resetting key ==> 复原键
1553. resetting ratio ==> 复归比
1554. resetting time ==> 复归时间
1555. resetting value ==> 复归值
1556. residence telephone ==> 住宅电话
1557. residential load ==> 住宅负载
1558. residual ==> 残留的
1559. residual activity ==> 残留放射性
1560. residual charge ==> 剩余电荷
1561. residual current ==> 剩余电流,残余电流
1562. residual current relay ==> 剩余电流继电器,零序电流继电器
1563. residual damage ==> 残留损伤
1564. residual effect ==> 残留效应
1565. residual electromotive force ==> 剩余电动势
1566. residual error ==> 残留误差
1567. residual error rate ==> 残留误差率
1568. residual excitation ==> 剩磁励磁
1569. residual exciting current ==> 剩余励磁电流
1570. residual field ==> 剩余场
1571. residual flux density ==> 剩余磁通密度
1572. residual free substrate ==> 无残留物衬底
1573. residual gas ==> 残留气体
1574. residual gases ==> 剩余气体
1575. residual induction ==> 剩余磁通密度
1576. residual magnetism ==> 剩磁
1577. residual magnetization ==> 剩余磁化
1578. residual magnetomotive force ==> 剩余磁通势
1579. residual oxide ==> 残留氧化物
1580. residual photoconductance ==> 残留光电导
1581. residual pressure ==> 剩余压力
1582. residual range ==> 剩余射程
1583. residual resistance ==> 剩余电阻
1584. residual signal ==> 残留信号
1585. residual voltage ==> 剩余电压
1586. residue check ==> 剩余检查
1587. resilient lead ==> 弹性引线
1588. resin ==> 树脂,松香
1589. resin add tank ==> 树脂添加箱
1590. resin and filter media sluice waters ==> 树脂和过滤材料洗涤水
1591. resin bead technique ==> 树脂颗粒法
1592. resin bed ==> 树脂床
1593. resin bed regeneration ==> 树脂床再生
1594. resin-bonded mastic ==> 树脂胶泥
1595. resin-bonded mortar ==> 树脂水泥砂浆
1596. resin capacity ==> 树脂交换容量
1597. resin cast component ==> 树脂密封元件
1598. resin catcher ==> 树脂捕集器
1599. resin-cement concrete ==> 树脂混凝土
1600. resin column ==> 树脂柱
1601. resin cored solder ==> 松香心焊条
1602. resin deuterization plant ==> 树脂氘(dāo)化装置(系统)
1603. resin exhaustion ==> 树脂耗尽
1604. resin fill ==> 树脂充填
1605. resin fill pump ==> 树脂充填泵
1606. resin fill tank ==> 树脂充填箱
1607. resin-filled joint ==> 树脂填充电缆接头
1608. resin flushing pump ==> 树脂冲洗箱
1609. resin glass ==> 有机玻璃
1610. resin hold-up tank ==> 树脂滞留箱
1611. resin impregnant ==> 树脂浸渍(zì)剂
1612. resin-impregnated tape ==> 浸树脂带
1613. resin-insulated ==> 树脂绝缘的
1614. resin-insulated winding ==> 树脂绝缘绕组
1615. resin life ==> 树脂寿命
1616. resin loading ==> 树脂吸附(量)
1617. resin molded semiconductor device ==> 树脂浇注型半导体装置
1618. resin molded transformer ==> 树脂浇注变压器
1619. resin proportioning vessel ==> 树脂配料容器
1620. resin regeneration ==> 树脂再生
1621. resin-rich mica tape ==> 多树脂云母带
1622. resin seperation tank (column) ==> 树脂分离塔(柱)
1623. resin shipping container ==> 树脂运输容器
1624. resin sluice pump ==> 树脂冲洗泵
1625. resin sluicing line ==> 树脂冲洗管
1626. resin sluicing pump ==> 树脂冲洗泵
1627. resin solidification ==> 树脂固化
1628. resin storage ==> 树脂储存
1629. resin support bed ==> 树脂支持层
1630. resin transfer container ==> 树脂转运容器
1631. resin trap ==> 树脂捕捉器
1632. resin wearing ==> 树脂磨损
1633. resist ==> 抗蚀剂
1634. resist adhesion ==> 光刻胶附着
1635. resist coating ==> 涂光刻胶
1636. resist definition ==> 光刻胶层图像形成
1637. resist dispenser unit ==> 光刻胶配量器
1638. resist film ==> 光刻胶膜
1639. resist pattern ==> 光致抗蚀图
1640. resist patterning ==> 光致抗蚀图形成
1641. resist patterning step ==> 光致抗蚀图形成工序
1642. resist profile ==> 光刻胶断面图
1643. resist remover ==> 去胶机
1644. resist response ==> 光刻胶灵敏度
1645. resist scum ==> 未显影光刻胶
1646. resist sensitivity ==> 光刻胶灵敏度
1647. resist speed ==> 光刻胶灵敏度
1648. resist stripping ==> 脱胶
1649. resistance ==> 强度,电阻
1650. resistance alloy ==> 电阻合金
1651. resistance amplifier ==> 电阻耦合放大器
1652. resistance box ==> 电阻箱
1653. resistance bridge ==> 电阻电桥
1654. resistance butt welding ==> 电阻对焊
1655. resistance capacitance coupling ==> 电阻电容耦合
1656. resistance capacitance network ==> 阻容网络
1657. resistance commutation ==> 电阻整流
1658. resistance coupled amplifier ==> 电阻耦合放大器
1659. resistance coupling ==> 电阻耦合
1660. resistance drop ==> 有功电压降
1661. resistance furnace ==> 电阻炉
1662. resistance grounded ==> 电阻接地
1663. resistance grounded neutral system ==> 中性点电阻接地方式,中性点电阻接地系统
1664. resistance grounding ==> 电阻接地
1665. resistance head ==> 阻力损失
1666. resistance heating ==> 电阻加热
1667. resistance link ==> 电阻分路
1668. resistance loss ==> 电阻损耗
1669. resistance material ==> 电阻材料
1670. resistance measurement ==> 电阻测量
1671. resistance network ==> 电阻网络
1672. resistance of an earthed conductor ==> 接地电阻
1673. resistance of grounded conductor ==> 接地电阻
1674. resistance protection ==> 电阻保护装置
1675. resistance ratio ==> 电阻比
1676. resistance relay ==> 电阻继电器
1677. resistance ring ==> 端环,短路环
1678. resistance soldering ==> 电阻钎焊
1679. resistance standard ==> 电阻标准
1680. resistance starting ==> 电阻起动
1681. resistance strain gauge ==> 电阻应变仪
1682. resistance tests ==> 电阻试验
1683. resistance thermometer ==> 电阻温度计
1684. resistance to abnormal heat and fire ==> 着火危险试验
1685. resistance to abrasion ==> 耐磨性
1686. resistance to alternating current ==> 交流电阻
1687. resistance to bending ==> 抗弯能力
1688. resistance to bending strain ==> 耐弯曲应变
1689. resistance to buckling ==> 抗弯强度,抗挠(náo)强度
1690. resistance to case ==> 对机壳电阻
1691. resistance to chemical attack ==> 抗化学腐蚀能力
1692. resistance to compression ==> 抗压缩性
1693. resistance to corona ==> 耐电晕性
1694. resistance to corrosion fatigue ==> 耐腐蚀疲劳
1695. resistance to direct current ==> 直流电阻
1696. resistance to earth ==> 接地电阻
1697. resistance to effect of heat ==> 耐热性能
1698. resistance to fouling ==> 防污着性,抗腐蚀性
1699. resistance to ground ==> 对地电阻
1700. resistance to impact ==> 抗冲击
1701. resistance to mechanical impact ==> 耐撞击试验
1702. resistance to pressure ==> 抗压性
1703. resistance to rusting ==> 抗锈性能试验
1704. resistance to shock ==> 耐震
1705. resistance to sparking ==> 耐击穿性,击穿电阻
1706. resistance to tearing ==> 扯(chě)裂强度
1707. resistance to tracking ==> 爬电电阻,表面漏泄电阻
1708. resistance to vibration ==> 动态强度,抗振刚度
1709. resistance to water vapour permeability ==> 蒸汽渗透(shèntòu)电阻
1710. resistance to water vapour permeation ==> 蒸汽渗透阻
1711. resistance to wear ==> 耐磨性
1712. resistance transducer ==> 电阻变换器
1713. resistance type detector ==> 电阻形检出器
1714. resistance type heater ==> 电阻式加热器
1715. resistance variation ==> 电阻变化
1716. resistance voltage divider ==> 电阻分压器
1717. resistance welding ==> 电阻焊
1718. resistance welding electrode ==> 电阻焊电极
1719. resistance wire ==> 电阻线
1720. resistence box with plugs ==> 插塞式电阻箱
1721. resistenceless ==> 无电阻的
1722. resisting moment ==> 阻力矩
1723. resistive bridge ==> 电阻电桥
1724. resistive element ==> 电阻元件
1725. resistive evaporator ==> 电阻式蒸发器
1726. resistive film ==> 电阻膜
1727. resistive insulated gate fet ==> 电阻绝缘栅场效应晶体管
1728. resistive layer ==> 电阻层
1729. resistive load ==> 电阻性负载
1730. resistive material ==> 电阻材料
1731. resistive network ==> 电阻网络
1732. resistive paste ==> 电阻膏
1733. resistive state ==> 有阻力状态
1734. resistivity ==> 电阻率
1735. resistivity gauge ==> 电阻率计
1736. resistivity gradient ==> 电阻率梯度
1737. resistivity meter ==> 电阻率计
1738. resistivity profile ==> 电阻率分布
1739. resistless etching ==> 无光刻胶腐蚀
1740. resistless lighography ==> 无光刻胶蚀刻
1741. resistless patterning ==> 无光刻胶图像形成
1742. resistor ==> 电阻器
1743. resistor body ==> 电阻体
1744. resistor-capacitor ==> 电阻电容
1745. resistor-capacitor diode transistor logic ==> 电阻电容二极管晶体管逻辑
1746. resistor chip ==> 片状电阻
1747. resistor coupled transistor logic ==> 电阻耦合晶体管逻辑电路
1748. resistor divider ==> 电阻分压器
1749. resistor microelement ==> 微型电阻元件
1750. resistor network ==> 电阻网络
1751. resistor parasitics ==> 寄生电阻
1752. resistor pattern ==> 电阻图形
1753. resistor stripe ==> 电阻条
1754. resistor tolerance ==> 电阻容许偏差
1755. resistor track ==> 电阻条
1756. resistor transistor logic ==> 电阻晶体管逻辑
1757. resistor trimming ==> 电阻微调
1758. resnatron ==> 谐腔四极管
1759. resolution ==> 分辨能力
1760. resolution capability ==> 分辨能力
1761. resolution element ==> 分解元件
1762. resolution enhancement ==> 分辨力增强
1763. resolution limit ==> 分辨限度
1764. resolution threshold ==> 分辨率阈值
1765. resolution time ==> 分辨时间
1766. resolution wedge ==> 清晰度楔
1767. resolver ==> 分解器
1768. resolving ability ==> 分辨能力
1769. resolving power ==> 分辨能力,分辨率,鉴别能力
1770. resolving time ==> 分辨时间
1771. resonance ==> 共振
1772. resonance absorber ==> 共振吸收体
1773. resonance absorption ==> 谐振吸收,共振吸收
1774. resonance acceleration ==> 谐振加速
1775. resonance accelerator ==> 谐振加速器
1776. resonance amplifier ==> 调谐放大器
1777. resonance bridge ==> 谐振电桥
1778. resonance capacitor transformer ==> 谐振电容变压器
1779. resonance circuit ==> 谐振电路
1780. resonance current ==> 谐振电流
1781. resonance curve ==> 谐振曲线
1782. resonance energy ==> 共振能
1783. resonance frequency ==> 谐振频率
1784. resonance frequency meter ==> 谐振式频率计
1785. resonance level ==> 共振能级
1786. resonance line ==> 谐振谱线
1787. resonance loss ==> 谐振损耗
1788. resonance method ==> 谐振法
1789. resonance neutrons ==> 共振中子
1790. resonance oscillations ==> 共振振荡,谐振振荡
1791. resonance peak ==> 共振峰位,谐振曲线峰值
1792. resonance point ==> 谐振点
1793. resonance resistance ==> 谐振电阻
1794. resonance scattering ==> 共振散射
1795. resonance voltage ==> 谐振电压
1796. resonant amplification ==> 谐振放大
1797. resonant cavity ==> 空腔谐振器
1798. resonant diaphragm ==> 谐振膜片
1799. resonant earthed system ==> 补偿网路
1800. resonant line ==> 谐振线
1801. resonant mode ==> 谐振模
1802. resonant shunt ==> 谐振分路
1803. resonant slot ==> 谐振缝隙
1804. resonant wavelength ==> 谐振波长
1805. resonant window ==> 谐振窗
1806. resonator ==> 谐振器
1807. resonator grid ==> 共振皮
1808. resonator losses ==> 谐振起耗
1809. resonator mode ==> 谐振腔模
1810. resonatorless laser ==> 无谐振皮光器
1811. resource ==> 资源
1812. respond ==> 应答
1813. responder ==> 应答机
1814. responder beacon ==> 应答信标
1815. response ==> 响应
1816. response characteristic ==> 响应特性
1817. response curve ==> 响应特性
1818. response time ==> 响应时间
1819. response to unit impulse ==> 单位脉冲响应
1820. response voltage ==> 响应电压
1821. responser ==> 应答机
1822. responsivity ==> 响应度
1823. rest ==> 静止
1824. rest contact ==> 常闭合接点
1825. rest energy ==> 静止能
1826. rest mass ==> 静止质量
1827. restorability ==> 恢复能力
1828. restorable system ==> 可恢复系统
1829. restoration ==> 复原,恢复
1830. restoration voltage ==> 恢复电压
1831. restorative control ==> 恢复控制
1832. restorative state ==> 待恢复状态
1833. restoring mechanism ==> 复原机构
1834. restoring spring ==> 复原弹簧
1835. restraining ==> 抑制
1836. restraining coil ==> 保持线圈
1837. restriction ==> 限制
1838. restriking voltage ==> 再点火电压,再闪击电压
1839. resultant current ==> 合成电流
1840. resultant magnetic field ==> 合成磁场
1841. resultant vector ==> 合成矢量
1842. ret ==> 环形发射极晶体管
1843. retainer ==> 保持架
1844. retaining ring ==> 紧扣环
1845. retardant ==> 阻化剂
1846. retardation ==> 延迟,延缓,迟滞,减速
1847. retardation angle ==> 减速角
1848. retardation coil ==> 扼流线圈
1849. retardation effect ==> 制动效应
1850. retardation field ==> 减速场
1851. retardation method ==> 阻尼法
1852. retardation network ==> 时延网络
1853. retardation of phase ==> 相位滞后
1854. retardation time ==> 滞后时间,延迟时间
1855. retardation value ==> 延迟值
1856. retarded combustion ==> 延迟燃烧
1857. retarded control ==> 推迟控制,迟延调节
1858. retarded ignition ==> 延迟着火
1859. retarding electrode ==> 制动电极
1860. retarding field ==> 减速电场
1861. retarding force ==> 制动力
1862. retarding potential technique ==> 滞后电位技术
1863. retarding torque ==> 制动转矩
1864. retentive material ==> 硬磁性材料
1865. retentivity ==> 顽磁性
1866. reticle ==> 中间掩模
1867. reticle alignment ==> 中间掩模对准
1868. reticle image ==> 中间掩模图像
1869. reticle mask ==> 中间掩模
1870. reticle masking ==> 中间掩模掩蔽
1871. reticle pattern ==> 中间掩模图样
1872. retort carbon ==> 甑碳
1873. retrieval time ==> 恢复时间
1874. return ==> 复原,归路
1875. return cable ==> 回流线
1876. return circuit ==> 回路,归路
1877. return conductor ==> 回路导线
1878. return current ==> 回流,返回电流
1879. return feeder ==> 回流线
1880. return ghost ==> 逆程重影
1881. return loss ==> 反射损耗,回波损耗
1882. return time ==> 复原时间
1883. return trace ==> 回描
1884. return wire ==> 回线
1885. reverberation ==> 残响
1886. reverberation time ==> 残响时间
1887. reversal ==> 反转
1888. reversal of phase ==> 相位逆转
1889. reverse ==> 逆的
1890. reverse battery metering ==> 反向电流测量
1891. reverse bias ==> 反偏压
1892. reverse biased current ==> 反向偏置电流
1893. reverse biased diode ==> 反向偏压二极管
1894. reverse biased heterojunction ==> 反向偏置异质结
1895. reverse biased isolation ==> 反向偏置隔离
1896. reverse biased junction ==> 反向偏置结
1897. reverse blocking current ==> 反向阻挡电流
1898. reverse blocking state ==> 反向截止状态
1899. reverse breakdown voltage ==> 反向破坏电压
1900. reverse characteristic ==> 反向特性
1901. reverse conductance ==> 反向导电性
1902. reverse conducting diode thyristor ==> 反向导电二端闸流管
1903. reverse conducting triode thyristor ==> 反向导电三端闸流管
1904. reverse current ==> 反向电流
1905. reverse current circuit breaker ==> 反向电流断路器
1906. reverse current metering ==> 反向电流测量
1907. reverse current relay ==> 逆电流继电器
1908. reverse current release ==> 逆电流释放
1909. reverse etching of oxide ==> 氧化物反向腐蚀
1910. reverse feedback ==> 负反馈,负回授
1911. reverse gate current ==> 逆门极电流反向栅电流
1912. reverse gate voltage ==> 逆门极电压
1913. reverse image ==> 倒像
1914. reverse mesa ==> 反向台面结构
1915. reverse overcurrent relay ==> 逆过电流继电器
1916. reverse-phase ==> 反相
1917. reverse-phase protection ==> 反相保护
1918. reverse-phase relay ==> 反相继电器
1919. reverse-power ==> 逆功率
1920. reverse-power protection ==> 逆功率保护
1921. reverse-power relay ==> 反向功率继电器
1922. reverse recovery time ==> 反向恢复时间
1923. reverse resistance ==> 反向电阻
1924. reverse response ==> 逆响应
1925. reverse switching ==> 换向开关
1926. reverse voltage ==> 反向电压
1927. reversed polarity ==> 反极性
1928. reverser ==> 反向器
1929. reversibility ==> 可逆性
1930. reversible booster ==> 可逆增压机
1931. reversible cell ==> 可逆电池
1932. reversible control ==> 可逆控制
1933. reversible counter ==> 可逆计数器
1934. reversible magnetic amplifier ==> 可逆磁放大器
1935. reversible magnetization ==> 可逆性磁化
1936. reversible motor ==> 可逆电动机
1937. reversible permeability ==> 可逆磁导率
1938. reversible process ==> 可逆过程
1939. reversible step motor ==> 可逆步进电动机
1940. reversible transducer ==> 可逆变换器
1941. reversible transition ==> 可逆跃迁
1942. reversing ==> 反转
1943. reversing switch ==> 换向开关
1944. reversion ==> 反相
1945. reversive drive ==> 可逆驱动
1946. revolution ==> 回转
1947. revolution counter ==> 转数表
1948. revolutions per minute ==> 每分钟转数
1949. revolving armature type alternator ==> 旋转电枢型交流电机
1950. revolving field type ==> 旋转磁场型
1951. revolving magnetic field ==> 旋转磁场
1952. rewinding ==> 重绕
1953. rewiring ==> 重新布线
1954. rework cassette ==> 晶片再生用盒
1955. reynolds number ==> 雷诺数
1956. rf induced plasma ==> 射频放电感应等离子体
1957. rf sputtering ==> 射频溅射
1958. RF, radio frequency ==> 射频,高频,无线电频率
1959. RF, range finder ==> 测距仪,测距器
1960. RF, read frequency ==> 读频率,频率读入
1961. RFID, radio frequency identification ==> 射频识别
1962. RgR, regulating rheostat ==> 调节变阻器
1963. rh ==> 相对湿度
1964. rheochord ==> 滑线变阻器
1965. rheoscope ==> 验电器
1966. rheostat ==> 变阻器
1967. rheostat alloy ==> 变阻器合金
1968. rheostat slider ==> 变阻片触头
1969. rheostatic ==> 电阻的
1970. rheostatic braking ==> 电阻制动
1971. rheostatic control ==> 变阻调速,变阻控制
1972. rheostatic excitation control ==> 变阻器励磁控制
1973. rheostatic losses ==> 变阻起失
1974. rheostatic regulator ==> 变阻调节器
1975. rheostatic starter ==> 变阻式起动器,电阻启动器
1976. rheostatic starting ==> 变阻式起动
1977. rheostriction ==> 夹紧效应
1978. rheotome ==> 断流器,中断电流器
1979. rheotron ==> 电磁感应加速器
1980. rheotrope ==> 电流转换开关
1981. rhexistasy ==> 破坏平衡
1982. rhombic antenna ==> 菱形天线
1983. rhumbatron ==> 空腔谐振器,环状共振器
1984. rhyometer ==> 电流计
1985. rhythm ==> 周期性变动
1986. rib ==> 肋骨
1987. ribbed insulator ==> 肋形绝缘子
1988. ribbon ==> 带,缎带
1989. ribbon cable ==> 带状电缆
1990. ribbon core transformer ==> 带状铁心变压器
1991. ribbon crystal ==> 带状晶体
1992. ribbon lead ==> 带状引线
1993. ribbon lightguide ==> 带状光波导
1994. ribbon wound core ==> 钢带铁芯
1995. ribe ==> 活性离子束腐蚀
1996. Ricci flow ==> 瑞奇流
1997. ridge waveguide ==> 脊峰波导管
1998. rie ==> 活性离子腐蚀
1999. rieke diagram ==> 雷基图
2000. rig test ==> 台架试验
2001. rigfet ==> 电阻绝缘栅场效应晶体管
2002. right angle pumping ==> 直角泵激
2003. right-hand ==> 右向的,瞬时针方向的
2004. right-hand adder ==> 右移加法器
2005. right-hand component ==> 右侧数
2006. right-hand coordinate system ==> 右手坐标系统
2007. right-hand derivative ==> 右导数
2008. right-hand engine ==> 右旋发电机
2009. right-hand loose joint hinge ==> 右边活节合页
2010. right-hand rotation ==> 右旋
2011. right-hand rule ==> 右手定则
2012. right-hand screw rule ==> 右手螺旋法则
2013. right-hand thread ==> 右螺纹
2014. right-hand twist ==> 右顺捻
2015. right-hand winding ==> 右向绕组
2016. right-handed wound ==> 右向绕组
2017. right-of-way maintenance ==> Activities by utilites to maintain electrical clearances along transmission or distributin lines.(美国)
2018. right scale integration ==> 适当规模集成化
2019. rigid ==> 刚性的
2020. rigid balancing ==> 刚性平衡
2021. rigid base ==> 刚性基层
2022. rigid bearing ==> 刚性轴承
2023. rigid body ==> 刚体
2024. rigid connection ==> 刚性连接
2025. rigid copper bus ==> 硬铜母线
2026. rigid coupling ==> 刚性联轴节
2027. rigid design ==> 刚性设计
2028. rigid feedback ==> 刚性反馈
2029. rigid foundation ==> 刚性基础
2030. rigid frame ==> 刚架
2031. rigid frame bent ==> 刚性排架
2032. rigid frame with honeycomb-web ==> 空腹刚架
2033. rigid frame with plate-web ==> 实腹刚架
2034. rigid framework ==> 刚性构架
2035. rigid insulation ==> 硬性绝缘
2036. rigid joint ==> 刚性连接
2037. rigid magnet ==> 硬磁铁
2038. rigid membrane ==> 刚性膜片
2039. rigid mesh ==> 刚性网
2040. rigid particle ==> 硬颗粒
2041. rigid pavement ==> 刚性路面
2042. rigid polyvinyl chloride ==> 硬聚氯乙烯
2043. rigid PVC ==> 硬聚氯乙烯
2044. rigid return ==> 刚性回复
2045. rigid rotator ==> 刚性转动体
2046. rigid rotor ==> 刚性转子
2047. rigid shaft ==> 刚性轴
2048. rigid structure ==> 刚性结构
2049. rigid support ==> 刚性支座
2050. rigid tower ==> 刚性塔
2051. rigid transmission mask ==> 硬透射掩模
2052. rigid trestle ==> 刚性支架
2053. rigidity ==> 硬度
2054. rigidity factor ==> 刚度系数,整步功率
2055. ring ==> 环
2056. ring armature ==> 环形电枢
2057. ring bus ==> 环形母线
2058. ring carrier ==> 环形支架
2059. ring circuit ==> 环路
2060. ring connection ==> 环形接法
2061. ring core transformer ==> 环形铁心变压器
2062. ring counter ==> 环形计数器
2063. ring current ==> 环流
2064. ring discharge ==> 环形放电
2065. ring dye laser ==> 环形染料激光器
2066. ring earthing ==> 环状接地
2067. ring emitter transistor ==> 环形发射极晶体管
2068. ring filament ==> 环形灯丝
2069. ring getter ==> 环形吸气剂
2070. ring laser ==> 环形激光器
2071. ring laser gyroscope ==> 环形激光陀螺仪
2072. ring magnet ==> 环形磁铁
2073. ring main ==> 环状干线
2074. ring method ==> 圆环法
2075. ring modulator ==> 环形调制器
2076. ring network ==> 环形网
2077. ring operated network ==> 环形运用网络
2078. ring oscillator ==> 环形振荡器
2079. ring resonator ==> 环形谐振器
2080. ring scaler ==> 环形计数电路
2081. ring seal ==> 环封
2082. ring shaped core ==> 环形铁心
2083. ring type magnet ==> 环形磁铁
2084. ring winding ==> 环形绕组
2085. ringback ==> 二次呼叫
2086. ringed network ==> 环式电力网,环形网络
2087. ringer ==> 电铃
2088. ringing ==> 振铃
2089. ringing circuit ==> 振铃电路
2090. ringing current ==> 振铃电流
2091. ringing equipment ==> 呼叫设备
2092. ringing frequency ==> 振铃频率
2093. ringing key ==> 振铃键
2094. ringing number ==> 呼叫号
2095. ringing numbers counter tank ==> 呼叫号计数存储器
2096. ringing relay ==> 呼叫继电器
2097. ringing signal ==> 呼叫信号
2098. ringing trip relay ==> 振铃切断继电器
2099. rinse ==> 冲洗
2100. rinse water ==> 冲洗水
2101. rinser ==> 冲洗器
2102. rinser dryer system ==> 冲洗干燥系统
2103. rinsing module ==> 冲洗组件
2104. ripple ==> 脉动
2105. ripple current ==> 脉动电流波纹电流
2106. ripple factor ==> 脉动系数
2107. ripple filter ==> 脉动滤波器
2108. ripple frequency ==> 脉动频率
2109. ripple noise ==> 波纹电压噪声
2110. ripple percentage ==> 脉动百分数
2111. ripple ratio ==> 脉动系数
2112. ripple voltage ==> 脉动电压
2113. rise and fall pendant ==> 升降式吊灯
2114. rise speed ==> 上升速率
2115. rise time ==> 上升时间
2116. rising main ==> 直上干线
2117. rising out of synchronism ==> 升速失去同步
2118. rising sun type magnetron ==> 旭日式磁控管
2119. river basin ==> 硫
2120. river cable ==> 过河电缆
2121. rivet ==> 铆钉
2122. rixed based natural frequency ==> 固定基础固有频率
2123. rms active power ==> 有功功率有效值
2124. rms active power in single phase circuit ==> 单相回路的有功功率有效值
2125. rms active power in three phase circuits ==> 三相回路的有功功率有效值
2126. rms apparent power ==> 视在功率有效值,视在功率有效值为复变量,其实数分量是有功功率有效值,其虚数分量是无功功率有效值。
2127. rms current ==> 电流有效值
2128. rms noise ==> 平方根噪声值
2129. rms reactive power ==> 无功功率有效值
2130. rms reactive power in single phase circuit ==> 单相回路的无功功率有效值
2131. rms reactive power in three phase circuits ==> 三相回路的无功功率有效值
2132. rms voltage ==> 电压有效值
2133. rms, root mean square ==> 有效值
2134. Roaming ==> 漫游
2135. robot ==> 机器人
2136. robot picker ==> 机器人夹钳
2137. robotic technology ==> 机器人学
2138. robotic transfer system ==> 机器人传送系统
2139. robotics ==> 机器人学
2140. rocker ==> 摇移器摇杆
2141. rocket ==> 火箭
2142. rocket warning radar ==> 火箭警戒雷达
2143. rod ==> 棒
2144. rod gap ==> 棒状火花隙
2145. rod spark gap ==> 棒状火花隙
2146. roentgen ==> 伦琴(照射量单位)
2147. roentgen radiation ==> X射线辐射
2148. roentgen rays ==> X射线
2149. roentgen tube ==> 伦琴管
2150. Rogowski coil ==> ROGOWSKI线圈CT(电磁感应原理,但无铁芯)
2151. roller bearing ==> 滚珠轴承
2152. roller contact ==> 滚动接触
2153. rolling contact ==> 滚动接触
2154. rolling mill motor ==> 压延用电动机
2155. ROM ==> 只读存储器
2156. roof aerial ==> 室顶天线
2157. roof antenna ==> 室顶天线
2158. rooling friction ==> 滚动摩擦
2159. room noise ==> 室内噪声
2160. room temperature ==> 室温
2161. room temperature laser ==> 室温激光器
2162. room temperature lifetime ==> 室温寿命
2163. room temperature superconductor ==> 室温超导体
2164. root ==> 根
2165. root locus ==> 根轨迹
2166. root-locus method ==> 根轨迹法
2167. root-mean-square ==> 均方根值,有效值
2168. root-mean-square criterion ==> 均方根准则
2169. root-mean-square current ==> 均方根电流
2170. root-mean-square error ==> 均方根值误差
2171. root-mean-square horsepower ==> 均方根马力,有效马力
2172. root-mean-square load ==> 均方根负载
2173. root-mean-square noise voltage ==> 均方根噪声电压
2174. root-mean-square quantity ==> 均方根值,有效值
2175. root-mean-square value ==> 均方根值,有效值
2176. roots pump ==> 罗茨泵
2177. rope drive ==> 钢丝绳传动
2178. Rosenberg dynamo ==> 罗森堡直流发电机
2179. Rosenberg generator ==> 罗森堡发电机
2180. rosette ==> 灯线盒
2181. rosette plate ==> 灯线盒板
2182. rosin ==> 树脂,松香
2183. rotameter ==> 转子流量计
2184. rotary ==> 旋转的,转动的
2185. rotary antenna ==> 旋转天线
2186. rotary attenuator ==> 旋转式衰减器
2187. rotary beam aerial ==> 射束旋转天线
2188. rotary beam antenna ==> 射束旋转天线
2189. rotary beam splitter mirror ==> 旋转射束分离镜
2190. rotary condenser ==> 调相机
2191. rotary converter ==> 旋转变流机
2192. rotary counter ==> 旋转式计数器
2193. rotary crane ==> 旋臂起重机
2194. rotary crusher ==> 旋转压碎机
2195. rotary current ==> 旋转电流,多相电流
2196. rotary dehumidifier ==> 转轮除湿机
2197. rotary disc feeder ==> 旋转送料器
2198. rotary disc valve with freeze seal ==> 带冻结密封的旋转圆盘阀
2199. rotary disk ==> 回转盘
2200. rotary field ==> 旋转磁场
2201. rotary field moter ==> 旋转磁场电动机
2202. rotary grinder ==> 转台磨床
2203. rotary hystersis ==> 回转磁滞
2204. rotary interrupter ==> 旋转断续器
2205. rotary joint ==> 旋转连接
2206. rotary kiln control ==> 回转窑控制
2207. rotary line switch ==> 旋转式寻线机
2208. rotary machine ==> 旋转机械
2209. rotary magnet ==> 旋转磁铁
2210. rotary phase converter ==> 旋转式相数变换器
2211. rotary phase shifter ==> 旋转式移相器
2212. rotary pump ==> 旋转泵
2213. rotary rectifier ==> 旋转整流
2214. rotary relay ==> 旋转式继电器
2215. rotary selector ==> 旋转式选择器
2216. rotary shaft seal ==> 转轴密封
2217. rotary solenoid relay ==> 旋转螺管式继电器
2218. rotary spark gap ==> 旋转火花隙
2219. rotary stepped machine ==> 旋转式步进电机
2220. rotary stepping motor ==> 旋转式步进电动机
2221. rotary stepping relay ==> 旋转步进继电器
2222. rotary substation ==> 具有旋转电机的变电站
2223. rotary switch ==> 旋转开关
2224. rotary synchronizer ==> 指针式同步指示器
2225. rotary table ==> 旋转台
2226. rotary transformer ==> 旋转变量器,旋转变压器
2227. rotary vacumm pump ==> 旋转式真空泵
2228. rotary voltmeter ==> 高压静电伏特计,旋转式伏特计
2229. rotating ==> 旋转
2230. rotating air outlet with movable guide vanes ==> 旋转送风口
2231. rotating amplifier ==> 旋转式放大机
2232. rotating amplifier excitation system ==> 旋转式放大器式励磁系统
2233. rotating anode ==> 旋转阳极
2234. rotating anode tube ==> 阳极转动的x射线管
2235. rotating anode x ray tube ==> 旋转阳极x射线管
2236. rotating armature ==> 旋转电枢
2237. rotating armature generator ==> 转枢式发电机
2238. rotating armature machine ==> 转枢式电机
2239. rotating armature motor ==> 转枢式电动机
2240. rotating armature relay ==> 转动衔铁继电器
2241. rotating armature type exciter ==> 转枢式励磁机
2242. rotating ball nut ==> 滚珠螺母
2243. rotating ball spindle ==> 滚珠轴杆,液球螺杆
2244. rotating beacon ==> 旋转信标
2245. rotating blade ==> 动叶
2246. rotating blade groove ==> 动叶片叶根槽
2247. rotating blade row ==> 动叶列
2248. rotating choke ==> 旋转抗流圈,旋转扼流圈
2249. rotating circular vector ==> 旋转圆矢量
2250. rotating circular vector method ==> 旋转圆矢量法
2251. rotating coil ==> 转动线圈
2252. rotating converter ==> 旋转变流器
2253. rotating core type relay ==> 旋转铁芯式继电器
2254. rotating differential transformer ==> 差动式旋转变压器
2255. rotating disk ==> 转盘
2256. rotating drum relay ==> 转鼓式继电器
2257. rotating electrical machine ==> 旋转电机
2258. rotating excitation ==> 旋转励磁
2259. rotating exciter ==> 旋转励磁机
2260. rotating field ==> 旋转磁场
2261. rotating field instrument ==> 旋转磁场仪表
2262. rotating field power ==> 旋转磁场功率
2263. rotating field transformer ==> 旋转磁场变压器
2264. rotating field type alternator ==> 旋转场型交流电机
2265. rotating induction motor ==> 旋转感应电动机
2266. rotating inertia ==> 转动惯量
2267. rotating insulator side break switch ==> 旋转绝缘子开关
2268. rotating joint ==> 旋转连接
2269. rotating machine ==> 旋转电机
2270. rotating magnetic field ==> 旋转磁场
2271. rotating nature frequency ==> 旋转固有频率
2272. rotating phasor ==> 旋转相量
2273. rotating pole type magneto ==> 转极式磁电机
2274. rotating radio beacon ==> 旋转信标
2275. rotating rectifier ==> 旋转整流器
2276. rotating rectifier alternator ==> 旋转整流器发电机
2277. rotating rectifier exciter ==> 旋转整流器励磁机
2278. rotating speed ==> 转速
2279. rotating stall ==> 旋转失速
2280. rotating standard (kilowatt hour meter) ==> 标准电度表
2281. rotating synchro ==> 旋转同步的,旋转同步机
2282. rotating synchronous exciter ==> 旋转同步励磁机
2283. rotating thyristor ==> 旋转式可控硅整流器
2284. rotating thyristor excitation system ==> 旋转式可控硅整流器励磁系统
2285. rotating transformer ==> 旋转变压器
2286. rotating vector ==> 旋转矢量
2287. rotating vibration test ==> 旋转振动试验
2288. rotating voltmeter ==> 旋转电压表
2289. rotating wave ==> 旋转波
2290. rotation of polarization plane ==> 偏振面旋转
2291. rotation vibration spectrum ==> 旋转振动光谱
2292. rotational component ==> 旋转分量
2293. rotational electromotive force ==> 旋转电动势
2294. rotational frequency ==> 旋转频率
2295. rotational level ==> 转动能级
2296. rotational line ==> 转动谱线
2297. rotational population ==> 旋转粒子数
2298. rotational speed ==> 转速
2299. rotational state excitation ==> 旋转状态激发
2300. rotations per minute ==> 每分钟转数
2301. rotor ==> 转子
2302. rotor ampere turns ==> 转子
2303. rotor angle ==> 转子角
2304. rotor angle detector ==> 转子角检测仪
2305. rotor angle indicator ==> 转子角位指示器
2306. rotor angle measurement ==> 转子角度测定
2307. rotor assembly ==> 转子装配
2308. rotor axis ==> 转子轴
2309. rotor balancing ==> 转子平衡
2310. rotor bandage ==> 转子绑线
2311. rotor banding ==> 转子带
2312. rotor bar ==> 转子线棒
2313. rotor blade ==> 动叶
2314. rotor-blocked test ==> 转子止转试验
2315. rotor-body slot ==> 转子本体槽
2316. rotor bore ==> 转子中心孔
2317. rotor bow ==> 转子弯曲
2318. rotor bushing ==> 转子衬套
2319. rotor cage ==> 转子笼
2320. rotor can ==> 转子包壳
2321. rotor cap ==> 转子护盖
2322. rotor center ==> 转子中心
2323. rotor center part ==> 转子中心体
2324. rotor circuit ==> 转子电路
2325. rotor coil ==> 转子线圈
2326. rotor core ==> 转子铁芯
2327. rotor current ==> 转子电流
2328. rotor displacement angle ==> 转子位移角
2329. rotor displacemet angle measurement ==> 转子角度测定
2330. rotor earth fault protection ==> 转子接地保护
2331. rotor end bell ==> 转子护环
2332. rotor end winding ring ==> 转子护环
2333. rotor field ==> 转子磁场
2334. rotor oscillation ==> 转子振动
2335. rotor outer diameter ==> 转子外径
2336. rotor overload protection ==> 转子过载保护
2337. rotor pack ==> 转子叠片
2338. rotor peripheral speed ==> 转子圆周速度
2339. rotor phase ==> 转子相位
2340. rotor position protection ==> 串轴保护,轴向位移保护
2341. rotor-position sensor ==> 转子位置传感器
2342. rotor punching ==> 转子冲片
2343. rotor reaction ==> 转子反应
2344. rotor resistance ==> 转子电阻
2345. rotor resistance starter ==> 转子电阻起动器
2346. rotor resistance starting ==> 转子电阻起动
2347. rotor rheostat ==> 转子变阻器
2348. rotor rim ==> 转子磁轭(è)
2349. rotor ring ==> 转子环
2350. rotor sagging ==> 转子挠(náo)度
2351. rotor seal ==> 转子密封
2352. rotor shaft ==> 转子轴
2353. rotor sheet ==> 转子冲片
2354. rotor short-circuit ==> 转子短路
2355. rotor slip ==> 转子转差率
2356. rotor slot ==> 转子线槽
2357. rotor winding ==> 转子绕组
2358. rough approximation ==> 粗近似
2359. rough reading scale ==> 粗略读数刻度
2360. rough service lamp ==> 防震灯
2361. rough surface ==> 粗糙表面
2362. rough vacuum ==> 低真空
2363. roughness ==> 粗糙度
2364. round cable ==> 圆形电缆
2365. round chart ==> 圆形记录纸
2366. round rotor motor ==> 整圆转子电动机
2367. round the clock service ==> 全日供给
2368. round trip ==> 来回行程
2369. round trip loss ==> 往返损耗
2370. round trip time ==> 来回一次时间
2371. Rousseau diagram ==> 卢梭图
2372. route ==> 定线,路线
2373. route inspection ==> 线路巡回
2374. route locking ==> 进路锁闭
2375. route planning ==> 线路途径的选定
2376. router ==> 路径选择程序
2377. routh coefficient ==> 劳思系数
2378. routh stability criterion ==> 劳思稳定判据
2379. routine ==> 程序
2380. routine check tests ==> 控制试验
2381. routine lithgraphic resolution ==> 常规光刻分辨力
2382. routine tests ==> 单独试验,出厂试验
2383. routiner ==> 定期测试装置
2384. routing ==> 定线
2385. routing character ==> 发信路由指示器
2386. routing indicator ==> 发信路由指示器
2387. routing layout ==> 互连布图
2388. routing pattern ==> 互连图
2389. routing program ==> 路径选择程序
2390. row ==> 行
2391. rpm ==> 每分钟转数
2392. RS theory ==> 粗糙集理论
2393. RTDS ==> 实时数字仿真器
2394. rtl ==> 电阻晶体管逻辑
2395. RTO ==> 区域输电组织(美国)
2396. RTO, regional reliability council ==> An organization that is independent from all generation and power marketing interests and has exclusive responsibility for electric transmission grid operations, short-term elelectric reliability, and transmission serves within a multi-State region.(美国)
2397. RTU, Remote Terminal Unit ==> 远程测控终端
2398. rubber covered wire ==> 胶皮绝缘线
2399. rubber gasket ==> 橡胶垫圈
2400. rubber insulated cable ==> 橡皮电缆
2401. rubber insulation ==> 橡皮绝缘
2402. rubber tape ==> 橡胶带
2403. rubbing ==> 摩擦
2404. rubbing contact ==> 摩擦接点
2405. rubidium freqnency standard ==> 铷频率标准
2406. rubric ==> 标题
2407. ruby ==> 深红色的
2408. ruby crystal ==> 红宝石晶体
2409. ruby laser ==> 红宝石激光器
2410. ruby rod ==> 红宝石棒
2411. rubylith ==> 红宝石
2412. rubylith artwork ==> 红膜原图
2413. rugged environment ==> 恶劣的环境
2414. rugged photomask ==> 耐磨损光掩模
2415. ruhmkoff coil ==> 感应线圈
2416. rule ==> 规则,规程
2417. rule checking ==> 布图规则检测
2418. rumble ==> 隆隆声
2419. rumford‘s photometer ==> 比影光度计
2420. run ==> 运行
2421. run mode ==> 运行模式
2422. run of river power station ==> 河床式水电站
2423. run of river station ==> 迳流水电厂
2424. run off coefficient ==> 流出系数
2425. run to run repeatability ==> 连续运行重现性
2426. run to run reproducibility ==> 连续运行重现性
2427. run to run variation ==> 连续运行参数分散
2428. runaway ==> 逸走
2429. runaway speed ==> 飞逸转速
2430. Runge Kutta‘s method ==> 龙格库塔法
2431. running ==> 运转
2432. running balancing ==> 动平衡
2433. running charges ==> 运转费
2434. running clearance ==> 运行间隙
2435. running cost ==> 运转费
2436. running down ==> 惰转
2437. running down time ==> 惰转时间
2438. running out ==> 惰转
2439. Running RPM ==> 运行转速
2440. running voltage ==> 运行电压
2441. rupture ==> 破坏
2442. rupturing capacity ==> 断开容量
2443. rural ==> 乡村的
2444. rural area ==> 农村区域
2445. rural automatic exchange ==> 乡村自动电话局
2446. rural distribution cable ==> 农村电缆
2447. rural electrification ==> 农村电气化
2448. rural party line ==> 乡村电话合用线
2449. rural service ==> 农村供电
2450. rural telecommunication ==> 乡村远距离通信
2451. rural telephone network ==> 乡村电话网络
2452. rush current ==> 冲流
2453. ruthenium oxide system ==> 氧化钌膏系统
2454. rutherford backscattering spectroscopy ==> 卢瑟福背散射光谱学
2455. rutile ==> 金红石
2456. rutile resonator ==> 金红石谐振器

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