

新托业听力模拟试题(二)题型四 简短发言题(8) (mp3下载)

kira86 于2016-09-05发布 l 已有人浏览
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Questions 92 through 94 refer to the following telephone message.
This is Summit Tailoring calling Mr. Hideo Tanaka as requested. Your grey flannel suit that you ordered is ready for a fitting. We are open every weekday from 10:00 to 7:00 and on weekends from noon to 9:00. Please call us at 347-2382 during business hours to inform us what time you can visit us again. For our preferred customers, we are offering a second suit of the same material for 25% off. We will arrange shipment at our expense if you cannot stay in San Francisco beyond the five-day time period to make a suit. Please call us at your earliest convenience. Thank you.

这里是顶上裁缝,依要求来电通知田中秀夫先生。您订的灰色法兰绒西装已经做好,可以 来试穿了。我们工作日上班时间为早上10点到晚上7点,周末为中午至晚上9点。 请在营业 时间打这个电话347-2382 ,告知我们您将于何时再来店里。老顾客购买第二套相同布料的西 装可享7.5折优惠。如果您无法在旧金山待上5天等西装做好,我们可以付费为您寄送。请在 您方便时尽早与我们联系。谢谢。

92. What is the purpose of the message?
(A) To sell a product
(B) To advertise a product
(C) To return a call
(D) To recommend a client

93. What is requested of Mr. Tanaka?
(A) To arrange a shipment
(B) To cancel an order
(C) To pick up an order
(D) To return to Japan

94. How long does Summit Tailoring take to make a suit?
(A) Nine hours
(B) Five days
(C) Seven days
(D) Twenty-five days
(A) 9小时
(B)5 天
(C)7 天
(D)25 天

答案:92.C   93.C   94.B

1. Summit Tailoring 顶上裁缝(店名)
summit  n.山峰;峰顶
tailoring  n.裁缝
tailor  vt.修改;使合适& n.裁缝师
例句:Qur services are tailored to suit your needs.

2. as requested 依照要求
例句:We have canceled your order as requested.

3. grey  a.灰色的 & n.灰色 =gray

4. flannel   n.法兰绒

5. be ready for a fitting 已做好可供试穿
例句:Can you give me a call when my suit is ready for a fitting?

6. inform  vt.通知
inform sb + that从句 通知某人 
inform sb +疑问词从句
inform sb of sth 通知某人某事
例句:rm sorry to inform you that your application has been rejected.
The teacher informed Sarah's mother what Sarah did at school.
Can you kindly inform me of your schedule for today?

7. preferred  a.优先的;更被喜爱的
a preferred customer 老顾客
例句:If you are a preferred customer, you can get a 10 percent discount on our products.

8. shipment  n.(.货品)运送 ship [忡]讨?运送(货品)
例句:The goods have been shipped to Japan by sea.

9. at one's expense 由某人付钱;以某人为代价
at the expense of sth 以某物为代价,牺牲某物
=at the cost of sth =at the sacrifice of sth
例句:We stayed in a luxurious hotel at my father's expense.
Charlie became a successful businessman at the expense of his health.

10. at one's earliest convenience 某人方便时尽早
例句:Please fill out this form and send it to us at your earliest convenience.

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