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merryangle87 于2015-05-07发布 l 已有人浏览
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 295 Dads not Mums Responsible for Fat Kids 

 295 小孩肥胖 父亲难辞其咎

Fat children are more likely to have their father to blame for their weight problem than their mother, a new study shows.


Research by Australian child health experts has revealed that fathers who are disengaged or do not set clear limits for their kids are more likely to have heavier children.


Dads who did lay down boundaries generally had children with a lower body mass index(BMI),the study of almost 5000 youngsters found.


Surprisingly, a mother's parenting behaviour or style apparently had no impact on whether a child was overweight or obese,according to research by Murdoch Children's Research Institute and The Royal Children's Hospitas,Melboume.


Hospital specialist Professor Melissa Wake said the large study was the first to suggest that men could be at the frontline in preventing early childhood obesity.


"Mothers are often blamed for their children's obesity, but this study suggests that for more effective prevention perhaps we should focus on the whole family," Prof Wake said.


The results also showed that 40 percent of these young mothers and more than 60 percent of the young fathers were themselves overweight or obese.


The research, to be presented at a paediatrics conference in Toronto this week, compared the BMIs of four-and five-year-olds with their parents' parenting styles.


The specialists said it was vital to study early parenting because home life often established patterns for life-long obesity.


Earlier reaearch had shown that childhood obesity was highly stable during the primary school years, right from school entry, Prof Wake said.


"For instance, the BMI of a prepgrade child has an 85 percent correlation with their BMI three years later," she said."Obese school children are very likely to become obese adults."


Childhood obdseity is growing at an alarming rate in Australia, with more than 20 percent of preschool children either overweight or obese.


Extra weight is a precursor to serious childhood and adult diseases like asthma,diabetes,cardiovascular disease and cancer.


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